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Adam Bannister


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on Maxabeni Female: Missing

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I think she is still alive. and i think she really wants to mate and with that she took a step into the unknown but I think she will return soon

Not very hopeful? Her mother moved deep into the west late in her life, maybe she is there somewhere?

Its truly heart breaking to even think of all that goes on in the wild.
I hope she returns safe and sound.

Evette Hartig

Oh please, let’s hold out hope that she is alive and well.

REALLY? You want us to speculate about the fate of one of your oldest, most popular, to date, living females? One who has spawned succesfully so many offspring? OK… I speculate she is dead. I hope she passed peacefully knowing she fulfilled many lifetimes of LIFE just from the many cubs she raised. I HOPE she is still alive, only because she was the first leopard we saw upon entering the gates of Londolozi, although I know her days her numbered anyway and that she comes ‘home’ to pass on. God bless her and thanks to you all for giving her safe passage through her life. May her offspring live as long and fill South Africa.

Ginny Race

Is this strange for a leopard to do, I hope she will be sighted soon

… She shall be sighted soon. If she was unsure about herself, am sure she wouldn’t have followed the Marthly male.

Trevor & Colleen

We have had countless hours of amazing viewing of the iconic Maxibene female and her beautiful cubs. Definitely the most relaxed leopard we have ever viewed and behaved as if she was on the Londos payroll with a job description of showing off near game viewing vehicles. What a grand legacy she has created. We are very sad to hear she is missing. How old is she …. 16?
Holding thumbs!

Shardool Kulkarni

I hope she is still alive. But is it possible that she has shifted her territory altogether? Or maybe she has been unable to return to her old territory (due to the river maybe?)

Feeling very sad, but hopeful! This leopard too has been part of so many wonderful trips to Londolozi. Thank you for keeping us in the loop of life – and maybe death – at Londolozi. Your stories on this blog always make me feel like a special part of the Londolozi family.

Senior Digital Ranger

Hope for the best prepare for the worst. She may have gone back to her natal territory, it has been done by others. She gave us all great joy and a number of progeny to keep track of.
She will live on in stories and memories. I think alive or not she has moved out of our lives.
Thank you for sharing your life with us Maxabeni female..


Thank you for sharing. I pray she will be ok. I feel very sad to read such bad news, but that is life I guess. This is very hard for us who loves her.

Brian C

I am hoping she left her territory although that is an unusual choice for a 14-15 year old leopard. Death is possible, but here is another more hopeful scenario-
The Maxabene female had two young adult male sons recently (b 2009 I think). Although now independent, they have been slow to disperse from their mother’s territory. I have read male leopards usually seek territory miles away from their mother (helps avoid incest), although their sisters will try to establish themselves adjacent to the mother.
Are these large sons still in their mother’s territory? If so, perhaps Maxabene female left because she was afraid they would harm a new cub not related to them or their father. Maybe it was too crowded trying to hunt successfully with these two big males around.
Anyways, wherever the Maxabene female is today, peace and love to her.


She probably drowned in the river.

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