on Safari at Londolozi

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Tammy Perger

Brian & Miles,

Thank you for the incredible footage of the male leopard…..if I’m not mistaken I believe a couple of weeks ago there was a post of an older male that was doing the exact same thing.

I hope you will return soon to Londolozi.

Hi Tammy, this is the same clip posted for the benefit of those who had not seen the incredible sighting before. rich

Tammy Perger

Thanks Rich,

I thought it looked familiar….cya on November 23rd….So Excited!!!!

Looking forward to having you 🙂 Safe travels, not long to go!!!

Aha…..so I’m not the only one who counts days till returning to Londolozi….:>)


Hi Londolozi team ! And readers ! These clients still talk about their stay at Londolozi all the time !

Tammy – as Rich said – this was in fact Londolozi footage i posted on my blog – which you can see Londolozi has linked too above !

Thanks guys !

A great pleasure Nick, it was wonderful to be able to feature the story of the Leopard and Fish eagle which is a truly astonishing sighting!

Sylvia Jordan

Londolozi seems to be the ideal place. I’m eyeing to stay in Londolozi.

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