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Adam Bannister


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on What if the Impala was in the Olympics?

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James T

I don’t have to say anything about the chopped off ear, Ad. The picture does it for me… haha. No but seriously these are some great pics. I often feel we don’t spend enough time with impalas when out in the bush. Yes they are everywhere, but they really are beautiful creatures!


The animal world certainly puts us in our place as far as agility goes – and they don’t need drugs!
Sadly I think some world records that still stand may be indicative of past assistance, something your new four legged speed machine (Cheetah) and those exquisite Impala exist without, still stunning us with their elegance and ability – as James says, they are quite beautiful.

Elisabeth Douglas

Hi Adam, I ´m really looking forward to see you and Carl running after the impalas again. And maybe also jumping? See you soon, greetings from the Douglas family.

I can’t wait to see the ‘extended’ Douglas family in just a few days. It has been too long 🙂

Great blog Adam – very cleverly done!

Scott L.

An entertaining piece. I also believe the Impala would be a formidable foe in the hurdles. Thanks for sharing your pictures and point of view, much appreciated.

Nice sequence of pictures-ear or no ear . Your choice of words to tell the story by comparing human medal winners to an average impala impressive-well done. Thanks for keeping us posted.

That was a phenomenal blog post, Adam!!


me gustaría ver un vídeo de impala vs guepardo y que gane la impala

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