I had a great group of guests recently, and we just seemed to be having a lot of luck on each drive. The only thing that had eluded us so far were the Hyenas, but I wasn’t too worried as I knew of a den site where there was a good chance to see not only the adults but the youngsters too.
I set out early, but decided to only head to the den site a little later in the morning as I was sure the little ones would be still sleeping inside the den, waiting for the sun to get high enough to entice them out, how wrong was I!
Sandros was having a quiet morning and decided to check the den site before I got there, when he arrived he found and addition to the clan in the form of a lone wild dog. He called to let me know there was a wild dog at the densite and I immediately told my guests that unfortunately I didn’t think we would get to see the hyenas this morning as with a wild dog sitting outside there home, it was unlikely they would venture out. Once again, how wrong was I.
However seeing a Wild Dog is an opportunity you just don’t pass up in the Sabi Sands, so we made our way to the densite, expecting to see the Wild Dog sleeping outside with no sign of the hyenas. When we got there, it was like a scene out of a kids playground, the 3 young hyenas were chasing the wild dog in circles, and he would then chase them, all the while the mother Hyena was watching from a distance without a care in the world.
This behavior has been recorded before in the Okovango Delta at Mombo Camp, where a single female wild dog has taken it upon herself to care and hunt for a family of jackals and occasionally a lone Hyena.
This male Wild Dog has been spotted all around the Sabi Sands, most of the time by himself. He definitely seems to be a little confused and lonely. We watch this story with interest and will keep you all posted is this unusual family holds over time. We would love to hear if any of you have encountered a similar sight.

It can be confirmed that the Wild Dog was a male. the same male who in the space of 12 hours was seen in the southern extremities of Londolozi, in the far west of our western neighbors and then again at this hyena densite in the eastern portion of Londolozi. He sure has moved a big distance – Sean Carter
Written, photographed and filmed by Sean Carter
Fantastic sighting Sean! Most certainly something to keep track of. At Mombo I observed a lone wild dog kidnapping jackal pups and often associating with a young male hyaena, who at one stage even mounted her in attempt to mate. Maybe we should introduce your lone male to the lone female of Mombo! 😉
I think it would be better hang with jackals..hyenas could be more dangerous for him. Hope you can tell us if this history continues.
Thank you
Sean…great footage…& it’s absoutely lovely to see this interaction with the male dog & young Hyena’s….I guess because they are pups they have no need to be scared of the male dog. I’m sure if the mother thought there was any danger she would of protected her young just as any mother does.
Thank You & keep us updated.
How fascinating!! Definitely will be interesting to observe what he does!
Unbelievable. Fantastic! My compliments to the passengers in the jeep…they didn’t move, allowing the animals to continue without being frightened away.
WOW!!! This is really amazing!!!Odd but definately very sweet and neat!!!!! Please continue to update!!As odd as it is, the dog seems to really want company !!! I LOVE IT!!!!
SO awesome Sean! I love it – reminds me of when we watched a small herd of wild dogs chase down an enormous herd of buffalo causing them to stampede! Such awesome creatures, these wild dogs! So happy to see this!
Great video! Wild dogs are top of my “must see” list next year when we go back to Londolozi!
amaizing.wounderful video