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Adam Bannister


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on Why do Male Lions have Manes?

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thanks Adam…nice re-cap

Interesting study-nice interpretation and presentation!

Great post Adam, thanks for the information.

John Holley

Well written Ad!


Very interesting research. I am guessing it is very hard to have a successful bite on the back spine in 1 vs 1 fights between similar sized male adults. Does the size of mane have effect on 1 vs 1 fight between male lions? Are there cases of 1 v 1 male lion fights to the death?


I would be inclined to agree with you Eric that successful attacks on the spine requires 2 v 1 or more attacks. and as for mane color there are areas of Africa that are known to produce more light manes than dark. but have powerful looking light maned males that just from an impressive physical appearance alone would require healthy testosterone levels. as to females being attracted to dark maned males that seems to me to be problematic since males usually are the attracted party and the females rarely have a say in the matter unless there are many sisters with cubs. most studies on wild animals are inconclusive and waiting to be revised. just my 2 cents worth. This is my first time here and this blog is a gold mine. I’m maybe as close as I will ever get to the Dark continent. Thanks and keep up the terrific work.

I remember reading about Craig Packer’s study, it was very interesting (like his methods!).

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