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Adam Bannister


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on The Sparta Cubs are Alive

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Wow this make my day! I was hesitant to check the blog because I expected the worse. Rock on little girls.


When I have read about the two youngsters yesterday, the whole day I felt very sad and I have praid that they will return to the pride. The whole night I was thinking about them and I immediately open your blog, and I have flet releaved and glad when I read that they are back. Thank God they are back and till now o.k. Thank you very much for updating immediately. I feel good now because of the good news. thank you. (sorry for my English, if it is not correct).


gorgeous news….:)


Goosebump news … Hope and Joy mixed together – may they go on to be successful lionesses!



Great news. May they have a long life. Thanks for bringing us the good news.


can’t help but wonder if they found their father and he brought them back to the lionesses. This news sure made my day!

Gillian Knock

Wonderful news :-))

Thank God for them and Thank YOU for sharing! Love the picture of the youngster and her Dad! Would make an AMAZING Father’s day card!!

Juan Jose Rubio Coque

Thank you Adam. You have made my day. It is almos time for lunch now in Spain and I will go to take lunch with a big smile in my face. I hope these little brave survivors can get it and do not leave the pride again


Wonderful news, thank you very much! I hope that also the adult females welcomed them. That is the critical piece. If the males are around they will make sure the youngsters can feed, as obviously they have strong bonding at least with some of the males. But the males will not always be around, so it is the adult females who finally make or break it for the youngsters.

Sandra DePaul

OMG, so glad they have found their way back to family. I am wondering if the other females will give them the affection that I am sure they still need. Looks like their daddy loves them. What a blessing. I know you guys are just so happy. It is a good day. Thanks Adam.


OMG what a wonderful sight, those darn Sparta girls are survivors!!! keep going girls!!

Kathy Schmidt

Just tears of joy, tears of joy. Thank you for sharing this wonderful story


Great news!!! I also thought they had no chance once they left the pride looking for their mother.

Dear Adam,
That is in fact wonderful news! And let’s hope it all continues like that, and the cubs feel the family ties of the pride. Hopefully, soon there will be even more cubs, and these two young sisters will feel less alone when they have more playing partners. By the way, did I understand correctly that the darkmaned Majingilane is now back from the east spending again time with the Sparta-pride ?
Thanks for the report.

The four Majingilane having been spending a fair amount of time together and in Londolozi

Claire and Paul

Disney may be smiling but not as much as all of us…… even the people in my office are now excited about the news of the cubs being back in the pride and closely following the cubs story…… GO TEAM SPARTA…..


Oh Adam I could kiss you !! So glad to hear this news, it’s made my day.

Bob Cooper

Thats wonderful news lets hope they all stay together


Sitting here, *ten thousand miles away*, across an ocean I can only imagine the JOY you all felt when you saw the two *missing cubs* bounding through the grass. I am beaming and there is a wonderful feeling in my chest as my heart *beams* too! This is indeed great news and a testament to the courage and tenacity of the youngsters to hang on and re-unite with their pride. It is a testament to the bonds of the pride that the youngsters were not chased off, especially as there are new cubs. Proves the point, never to give up hope!!!! Wonderful story for the start of the weekend and the coming mothers day!!! Thanks so much Adam.


Just brilliant news!


Well, that is very good news. They look to be in nice condition too, for being lost so long. The Tsalala lost cub looked to be in bad shape, when he was found. Indeed a Disney moment!! Here is hoping they make it through adulthood and it looks like they learnt their lesson and will stay witht he pride! Since the two older females always seemed to be together, I wonder if the remaining older female will act like a mom now??

If the pride stays together it is likely that the remaining older female will keep a maternal eye on these cubs. From my own experience of watching cubs who have lost their mother, they tend to still have a tough time in the pride as they will not get privileges, etc for food at the kill and will need to make sure that they are aggressive enough within the pride to ensure that they feed when food is around.

Sandy Johnson

Fantastic news! Yesterday I was sad, today I’m glad! Hopeful for tomorrow. Thanks Adam.

Lynda and Neil

Great news from you half the world away. I have been concerned ever since we saw these cubs last month and especially yesterday sounded pretty bad. Lets hope that they can stay with the pride and grow and gain the knowledge they need to survive. Thanks again for the wonderful update.

Mother Earth watches over her children. May the girls grow to be the fierce lionesses they are destined to be.


Adam this was truly a JOY to read. Brought tears to my eyes when I read they were back and o.k. You go little girls and live a long and happy life! This made my day…thanks Adam.

Tim long

Adam I was there this morning to see this unbelievable reunion. I have followed this blog for months leading up to my trip and my heart sank to hear about their mother and their departure… To see all of them this morning.. Younger cubs, the two older cubs and the adults brought a tear to my eye.. Such a wonderful story… Can’t wait to keep reding the updates..

Tim long

Great to hear Tim and how fantastic that you were able to witness this event in person!!! Phenomenal stuff, we look forward to keeping you updated in the future. rich


Yea Spartans! Yea Rangers & Trackers! Yea Londolozi! I can’t wait to see them.

Yea Kiki!!! We can’t wait to see you!

Margarita Doychinova

Grate news!! Thaks Cod!!!

And what of the Tsalalas? They are my favorites…any news on them?


Now you’ve got me crying happy tears …

Woooooooooooo hoooooooooooooo!!!!!!

Karen GS

I am checking back in from my side of the world, Los Angeles, which feels like a million miles away. I was so privileged to have been there in the jeep with Adam, Sully and our little group on that misty morning. Adam narrated in whispers as we watched the orphans make their tentative approach towards the pride. We all breathed a little sigh of relief as the girls seemed to have been accepted by the grownups. Then we followed them all for a time as they set off on a morning’s hunt, the girls trailing after the grownups, trying to figure out what they should do. They were beyond adorable. The hunt may have been thwarted eventually, but nothing could dampen our joyful morning! Thank you, Adam, for briefing us on the whole backstory and helping us to appreciate what we were witnessing! And of course, we all wish the girls the best possible fortune and will never forget that day!

Absolute pleasure. it was wonderful having you on board. The intriguing lives of the lions continues…

Bittersweet story-

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