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James Tyrrell


James had hardly touched a camera when he came to Londolozi, but his writing skills that complemented his Honours degree in Zoology meant that he was quickly snapped up by the Londolozi blog team. An environment rich in photographers helped him develop the ...

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on New Hyena Den Found

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Hyena cubs are very cute. While on live drives last year, the crew at Djuma found a den with a single cub. It looked like a teddy bear and the name Teddy waas given to the little darling. The den was visited often and we watched it grow up on the live drives over the internet. It was great fun. And one day we even heard Teddy starting to “sing” his/her call. To this day, the unique call of this hyena is heard on the Waterhole camera at night a few times a week. Viewers grew to love or at least appreciate hyenas as a result of watching that cub grow up. We learned everything we could. It was wonderful. So, the answer to the question is, They are CUTE! Congratulations. Your guests have many treats to see and learn about these darlings. Hyena are fascinating and I hope your guides will use this chance to educate guests on all the wonderful things there are to learn about the Hyena.

Kerry Coats


Senior Digital Ranger

I vote for cute. They have adorable faces. Reading Mark and Delia Owens “Cry of the Kalahari” gave me a new perspective on and respect for hyenas.

Trevor & Colleen Patrick

Hi Rich hope all well. Is that down near Dudley? Cute or not… what a treat to watch the cubs playing and usually annoying mom with their antics! A den sighting is always loads of fun with the inquisitive youngsters! Take care and best wishes. Trevor and Colleen

Hi Trevor and Colleen, all is very well thank you. The den site is not near Dudley but rather the open areas of Western Londolozi. Look forward to showing it to the two of you on your next visit. Rich

Sandy Johnson



Cute….we really got to know hyenas on the live drives from djuma. we had the pleasure of watching ‘Teddy’ a new little one.
I agree, hyenas are very misunderstood.
Thanks for sharing this with us .

So cute! All babies of all species are adorable. Its the humans that mess things up.

Courtney McGuigan

Very sweet. I say cute as well.


Cute, cute, and more cute. We had a lovely morning watching cubs with Talley and Freddie while there in December. I like hyenas more now than I ever did before. Cute all the way! The adults on the other hand . . . . . . . .

I agree…they are adorable and perhaps it is their overall carriage (posture) that makes them less attractive as they grow up. The same can be said for Wild Dogs. I think their life style as scavengers doesn’t help either. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder….therefore, I think ALL wild life is beautiful!


Very cute!


CUTE, that’s for sure. How could anyone think otherwise?

Basil Scordilis

Awesome, I give 7/10 on the cutenometer. This being compared to the 10/10 of a freshly hatched turtle.
Thanks James 🙂


CUTE!! I hope they are still there when my husband and I visit with our daughters in June – they will love to see them, as will I!

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