About the Author

Rich Laburn

Head of Digital

Rich is the driving force behind Londolozi’s online storytelling and the founder of the Londolozi blog. His passions of digital media, film and photography have seen him build Londolozi's online ecosystem into a unique platform for advocacy of the restoration and rewilding of ...

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on The Waterford Wine Festival 2012

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Boyd you took what I felt all week end and put it into words! really wonderful…
A huge THANK YOU to all at Waterford for the most mind blowing day!!!
Rich some great pics!

Great work and our thanks to the ever growing CREATIVE TEAM
We love what you do thankyou Waterford !!!
Shan and Dave

Jo Lynne Jones

to Kate G.,
Boyd’s writing skills are a tribute to you as a teacher. How wonderful that his parents saw the value of keeping both children in the wild and found such a grand tutor. His description of the meaning of wine is eloquent.

Boyd, We look forward to your book.

Desirae Bergeson

I loved your article post.Really thank you! Really Great.

Pleasure Desirae, glad you enjoyed so much. Thanks for commenting 🙂 rich

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