About the Author

Rich Laburn

Head of Digital

Rich is the driving force behind Londolozi’s online storytelling and the founder of the Londolozi blog. His passions of digital media, film and photography have seen him build Londolozi's online ecosystem into a unique platform for advocacy of the restoration and rewilding of ...

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on A Taste of South Africa

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Hi Rich hope you are well and Londos has fully recovered after the storms! This must have been a cool party and as usual much fun at Varty Camp eh! Is the Leopard “Pink Nose” when he was young? The Maxibeng female’s cub? Must have been while back if it is as his eye in this photo is still in good shape
Best wishes

Hi Trevor, we are in the process of recovering. The weather has cleared up beautifully and now it is just getting the camps better than they were before. Michael’s group was a fabulous party of guests and we enjoyed having them as much as they did staying here. This leopard is not one of the Maxabene brothers but looks rather to be one of the Nyaleti siblings. I will confirm for you, however you can visit this page to take a better look: http://www.londolozi.com/leopards/leopards-of-londolozi/saseka-female-lineage/nyeleti-33-young-female/. rich

Sounds like another successful, wonderful experience. Large groups or small family vacations, those at Londolozi ALWAYS do a FABULOUS job of making everyone feel welcome and part of the family. I do believe crying upon leaving is a given rite of passage…have never heard of anyone who hasn’t!

Wonderful experience which WE hope won’t be a once in a lifetime! Best to all!

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