This Week in Pictures focuses on birds and it courtesy of the photographic talent of Ranger James Hobson. In particular the images below take a look at some of the more colorful, migratory Summer birds that frequent Londolozi in the warmer months. Let me know which is your favorite image in the comments section below and enjoy this Week in Pictures…

Here you can see the prominent and enlarged knob on the bill of the male comb duck (Intra-African migrant) during breeding season. It is not uncommon for birds to grow tail feathers in breeding season but I’m not aware of too many birds growing appendages. Also visible in this photo are the iridescent (literally means ‘showing rainbow-like colours’) wing feathers which mostly appear dull greyish black.

A strange looking red billed hornbill perches with a scorpion held firmly in its beak. You’ll notice the short tail which is abnormal for this bird. A possible explanation lies in the fact that females voluntarily incarcerate themselves within a cavity in a tree to lay their eggs, thereafter undergoing a feather moult. This female may be regrowing her tail feathers and the scorpion is potentially food for her chicks. Incredibly, the lack of tail feathers didn’t appear to affect the bird in flight.

Two red-billed oxpeckers display to one another on the back of a rhino. The red-billed with its all red bill and yellow eye-ring (eye-ring absent in the less common yellow-billed) and the yellow-billed are both monogamous and co-operative breeders.

An oxpecker seen in action on the back of a giraffe (they have a very high concentration of ticks given their body structure). The bill is designed for a ‘scissoring’ action for solid prey in longer fur, ‘scooping’ for fluids such as blood and mucus and ‘plucking’ for solid prey on exposed skin.

Below follows a collection of photo’s of some of the bee-eaters found at Londolozi. Carmine Bee Eater above.

A flock of southern carmine bee-eaters feed on insects that the white storks are flushing as they walk. This is a good example of commensalism; symbiosis where one species benefits by the presence of the other (the bee-eaters) and the other (the storks), neither suffers nor benefits.

A marabou stork in all its glory! Contrary to belief, an inflated pouch is not an indication of food consumed, but rather the need to thermoregulate. They expand the sac to expose more blood to the cooling or warming influence of the air or sun.

Over the last few weeks we’ve seen quite a lot of vulture activity and on inspection there never seems to have been any predation involved. We’ve witnessed vultures descending on young impala lambs which have died of natural causes. Here a bunch of white-backed vultures squabbled over the remains.

A white-backed vulture perches on a dead tree at sunset. Diagnostic of all vultures (with the exception of the bearded and palm-nut vultures) are the bald or lightly feathered heads and necks. This is an adaptation for probing around in dirty carcasses, the grime and body fluids being much easier to wash off than if the bird was fully feathered.

Slightly smaller than the malachite kingfisher, the violet-washed ear coverts are also diagnostic of the African pygmy-kingfisher. Interestingly, 5 of the 10 local species of kingfishes (despite their name) don’t actively hunt at water sources, the pygmy included. These birds mainly eat invertebrates and small vertebrates, captured away from water.

Unlike the pygmy above, the malachite is certainly aquatic. We were fortunate to have this one nesting in the bank next to Camp Dam for a while. Amazingly, these small tunnels can be dug up to a distance of 3 meters into banks. The point of the bill does get worn as some excavations can take up to 3 weeks or more, but because the keratin of the bill is ever-growing, the damage is quickly corrected.
Photographed by: James Hobson
Your Photos are really lovely James. I feel privileged to have seen them… Your patience was well rewarded by these shots. Thanks
Amazing photos all, Pygmy Kingfisher gorgeous, but the White Backed Vulture just simply the best……..just need the GnT on the sunset drive 🙂
I love the male comb duck, the displaying red billed ox-peckers and the dramatic landing vulture amongst the crowd. All are sensational, but these are my favourite. Where is the European Roller? 🙂
Hi Penny.
I suppose a porfolios of our birds is incomplete without the beautiful lilac breasted roller. I’ve yet to get a good photo of one but will do my best over the coming weeks! Thanks for your comment.
Once again…..stunning photos 🙂
Amazing pics James, it is so difficult to choose, however I adore sun rise and sun set so would have to go for the while back vulture at sunset, thanks for sharing.
Great pics guys! Love the updates. You are having the time of your lives there it seems!
They are all great and I love to see bird pictures. The sound of the bush wouldn’t be the same without all those birds. I think my favorite is the African pygmy kingfisher. I like the composition and the fact that the bird seems to be looking at the camera, also the depth of field. Creative shot of the oxpeckers on the back of the rhino too. Do you have a favorite?
Hi Leslie.
My favourites are the comb duck and the hornbill with the scorpion in its beak. One very seldom sees the colours of the comb ducks wings.
Love it! Thanks for the photos – a good argument for coming back in summer.
Jo Lynne
Hi Jo Lynne.
Exactly! Many of those photo’s wouldn’t be possible in winter with those birds migrating.
James, I have an absolutely wonderful Lilac Breasted Roller shot from KNP a year back – I will have to post it on the Facebook page for you to see. And the European Roller is such a beautiful bird too appearing in the summer months.
I hate to be off topic but can anyone tell if in fact the NEW VIDEO on youtube is indeed the fight between Majingilane’s and Kinky Tail? Everyone is under the assumption it is. Video was added 4 days ago. Looks like Mr. T at one point trying to help then gets ran off. Kinky looks horrible
Hi Anthony, please can you post the URL so we know which video you are referring to. Thanks, rich This sure looks like it. Love to hear what you think rich.
I agree Anthony, it does look like a variety of different clips documenting the event. Who does the original footage and upload belong to? Thanks for bringing this to our attention. rich
Im not sure but I’m trying to find out for ya. Soon as I hear something I’ll let you know for sure. Thanks for the reply, thought u would know and want to see.
Definitely, much appreciated. Thanks again. rich
hey rich, ” This footage belongs to Karin van der Merwe. Not sure why someone copied it and uploaded it to youtube????” That was the response I got from Mapogo Fb page. It says she works at Nkorho Bush Lodge. Hope this helps. Im just wondering if there is more footage to the Kinky Tail attack. Would you think?
Thanks Anthony, it does help. I am not sure why it is only surfacing now and if there is any more footage of this particular incident. If you find any more links, please post them in the comments. Many thanks. rich
wow, the new video is the 4 manjigis eating kinky tail. Not a pretty site.
Looks as if this was the actual footage of kinky Tail. From what I have been told on Mapogo fb page. She being Karin van der Merwe witnessed both events and quite possibly could have the whole footage on video. Seems it was so brutal that she didnt release until a year later. From the tid bit I have saw I see why. I could only imagine what it was like from start to finish. Hard just to watch this little bit.
Incredible shot of the Comb duck Jamo!!!! nice one mate – sitting in the cold of HK, and wish we could be there! Tell all we say hi. Graham & Nix
Theese are simply amazing photos!!!! What an adventure you must of had upon shooting them. Thank-you for sharing with the rest of the world.