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Adam Bannister


Londolozi Alumni

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on The Lion Dynamics after the Flood

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Gail Woloz

I have been worrying about all things alive at Londolozi! Thank you for your report and I look forward to hearing more. The strong do survive!! Cheers!

Penny Parker

Holding thumbs and crossing all fingers and toes that the Tsalala’s are all safe and sound. Thanks for the update. Mother Nature is a magnificent beast 🙂


Thanks for taking the time to update us Adam. Sorry to hear there are missing cubs.:(
It’s feeling like a clash with males is getting closer.

Bridgette Boudreau

Wow. Unbelievable flooding. Thanks for the update Adam and I sure hope I get to see you in June!


Adam, thank you so much. I figured the adults would probably be ok but was very concerned about all our babies. I so appreciate your update. And, welcome home

James Weis

Lovely image of the two males walking across the water.

Sandy Johnson

Thanks for the update. Hoping the Tsalala youngsters are ok.

kanadid yassin

nice to hear evething ok and hope everthing get better at londoloz i ADAM thank for the pic majingilane brother


Thanks for update Adam. One question does this blog site get updated reguarly or does your facebook page have more frequent up dates. ( im not ready for facebook yet )

Hi Dean, the blog gets updated just about everyday with different stories, videos, images and news from Londolozi. If you are not on Facebook yet, don’t worry you can still get all the information and media you want on our blog. I suggest subscribing via email in the right hand side column to get the blogs delivered to your inbox everyday. rich


Great shot of the brothers crossing the river Adam, welcome back, as Penny said everything is crossed for the safety of the cubs. Is Talented Talley on leave, Friday was not the same this week (I wonder if Blog addiction is a recognized condition)!!!


Hi there I have been reading your blogs and sightings of animals for a couple of days now. Very interesting…. Have a trip coming up in March and wanted to ask your opinion of taking a antimalarial drug while staying at your reserve. At that particular time of the month is the mosquito issue more or less. I ask, as I have a hard time taking any type of a prescribed prophylactic medication. I want to enjoy the beauty of your reserve and lodge while I’m there. I hope the waters have returned to normal and not too much damage was done. Beautiful pictures of the lions.


Hi Joanna, looking forward to seeing you here in March. Londolozi is situated in a malaria area and thus we cannot tell you that it will be alright to not take an antimalarial prophylactic. Although many visitors do not take prophylactics, the risk is still existent and thus it would be best to take consultation from your regular GP or Doctor.

The waters have indeed subsided and we have had blue skies since the rain. The bush veld is looking absolutely outstanding! Travel safely and I look forward to seeing you more on the blog until your trip.


Glad Mother Nature has calmed down. Just found out we are returning to Londolozi in March 2013! Can’t wait to be back with furry friends.

That’s fantastic news arden, it is going to be great to have you back to stay with all of us. I hope we will see lots of you your comments on the blog in the build up to your return visit.? rich


thanks rich will do


We were being booked into londolozi for march, but have heard there is damage in some of the camps and now londolozi might not take us. Please let me know how to fix this!

Hi Jaimie, I have sent you a mail. rich


i am 10 years old and i totaly love loins


i love love love lion and i want to save them

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