About the Author

Rich Laburn

Head of Digital

Rich is the driving force behind Londolozi’s online storytelling and the founder of the Londolozi blog. His passions of digital media, film and photography have seen him build Londolozi's online ecosystem into a unique platform for advocacy of the restoration and rewilding of ...

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on An Update on the Weather at Londolozi and Surrounds

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Good to hear everyone is ok there – hope the animals are as well! We are so looking forward to visiting you in June. Take care, sending positive vibes for everyone in your area!

Thanks Jane, the rain has been heavy but everything is ok. We are really looking forward to having you in June, hopefully things will be a little less wet when you arrive 🙂 Thanks and keep well. rich


Thank you, Rich – you too!

Judy Guffey

Just listened to the audio telling of road closures in KNP. Hope everone is well at Londolozi.

Thanks Judy, some areas have been hit by floods worse than others, however everyone at Londolozi is well. rich


What is the latest update Rich, I have guests due to arrive tomorrow…yikes?! What is the possibility of road transfers in the area?

Hi Amy, the weather has cleared somewhat and the river levels dropped off. The best person to contact regarding road transfers is the Reservations team – reservations(at)londolozi(dot)co(dot)za


The river must look and sound amazing – beware of adventurous crocks – stay safe


We are scheduled to arrive at Londolozi 3 weeks from today. We have booked a charter flight from Nelspruit directly to Londolozi. Are the charters able to fly in? I’m hoping the weather clears up soon.

Hi Joan, 3 weeks is still a long way off to predict the weather patterns, however the weather has already begun to clear up and things are looking positive. I would remain very optimistic that your charter will be able to fly into Londolozi and that you will be able to enjoy your safari experience with us. If you need to contact someone at Londolozi regarding your reservation, you can do so at reservations(at)londolozi(dot)co(dot)za


Thanks Rich. I know we’ve still got a few weeks so I will keep an eye on the weather.
I appreciate the contact info. as well and in the mean time we’ll keep our fingers crossed.


Thinking of you all.

Thank you Syl


We are resceduled to fly in 24 Janury for 2 nights.
Do you think that we will get the “Game Viewings” that one expects at Londolozi or is this unlikely due to the floods.
We are also planned to fly in.

Hi Tim,

Good to hear you are rescheduled to fly in on the 24th. I most definitely DO think that you will get the Game Viewing that you expect as game drives are back out on the road and game is being found. The weather has cleared up nicely and the sun is shining at the moment. If you need to talk to anyone regarding your reservation you can contact reservations(at)londolozi(dot)co(dot)za – . rich


Many thanks, we are really looking forward to it.
Off to the Falls in the morning !


Rich, what is the weather doing right now? Just wondering if there is still flooding occurring?
We’re due to arrive Feb. 10th.

Hi Joan, the weather is doing fine today, sunny with partly cloud phases. You can find a comprehensive long term weather prediction here: http://www.yr.no/place/South_Africa/Mpumalanga/Kruger_National_Park~986833/

There is no flooding occurring anymore, much of the water has moved downstream.

Everything here is still on track for your arrival on the 10th Feb.



Hi Rich,
I’m arriving on the 4th of February, just wanting an update on the weather there. How is the flooding clearing? Are guest transfers fully functional now?
Is there any indication that the bad weather will be returning?

Hi Theresa, the flood waters have subsided for quite a number of days now and there is no indication of further bad weather returning. Guests are able to get in and out of the lodge with no problem. We will put another update on the blog on Monday morning for your information and consideration. Regards, rich

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