on The Week in Pictures # 23

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Thanks for a lively update on new life … so looking forward to returning to SS in 8 weeks time!!

Thanks Liz, you definitely have a lot to look forward to in 8 weeks!


Lovely = thanks heaps and looking forward to the Sparta pride update!

Hi Linda, we did an update on the Sparta pride this week. Follow the link to find out more: http://blog.londolozi.com/2011/12/new-lion-cubs-at-londolozi/

Thanks Linda, yes the story is exciting so stay tuned tomorrow!


Hooray, Talley is back. Glorious, emotive photographs. It must be such a treat to witness a new generation being raised at Londolozi. I have to admit, envy is an emotion I now experience almost
every week as I check out your posting- Oh to be at Londolozi. (Not felt last week of course, when the featured creatures were hairy lipped humans!!!) …..wishing you and all the team a great weekend.

Rich – any news on the S.A. blog competition?

Hi Sheena, the awards ceremony takes place tomorrow night. We are in the Final 3 of the Best Photographic Blog Award. I will keep you posted, hopefully with some great news. Thanks for your interest and support – its because of our readers that we are in the awards to begin with! Rich


I wish you all the luck in the world, you are already winners to me and many many others………

Thanks Sheena! Yes, Movember was a truly frightening time to be at Londolozi, but things have returned to normal now. Except we can’t seem to get Byron to put his shirt back on. Have a great weekend too 🙂

Oh my, such beautiful photos… REALLY! The detail is unbelievable! However, the emotion is what gets me every time…those hyenas peeking out are so cute! And the lion cub hugging the tree? Quite the little cutey! Keep them coming…it makes the long dark December days in Massachusetts bright!

And I DO look forward to a Tsalala pride update! They were all little and brand new in late June…so, I love them. Thanks for sharing!

Hello Geri, thanks so much, and I can safely say we have more photos of little ones already lined up for next week! They are so precious.

karine GAY

Thank you for these beautiful pictures.
It is always such a great pleasure for me to look at your photos, to have news from the hyena’s cubs,and
see these cute lion’s cubs.
Congratulations .

Karine I am so happy you appreciate the hyena cubs as much as I do 🙂 I will definitely keep you posted on their growth!

karine GAY

Talley,thanks a lot …we discovered them when I was in londolozi… it was such a great experience…
waiting for your new beautiful pictures…
Please. when you take a picture… just think : somebody in switzerland just would like to be with you to share this incredible moment of real life..

Talley, each week your pictures continue to get better and better. There are so many in this weeks post that I think are excellent. Loving your work and having you on the team!! Rich

PS: The hyena cub running towards camera is a prize winning shot!


Rich, could you make a Londolozi screen saver ? using the Rangers photos (the problem would be choosing them, there are so many fabulous shots!) and sell it in the shop, benefits to the school or whichever fund you are raising money for – ? Just an idea – apologies if I’m being too forward, but I am wearing my fundraising hat today !!!

Jane West

Talley! Love the lion cubs ! We’re celebrating the season with our own cub! Hope you win the Blog competition!

Thanks Janie! I can’t wait to see your cub before he gets too big!

Willy Smith

Talley, the Ottawa male lion most impressive! Great pictures again!


Great blog& awesome photos. Very interesting about the tortoise. Poor guy…good find
Love all the lion photos.


As usual, the Londolozi blog is a highlight for me… such wonderful pics and great commentary. Thanks to the Djuma/WE Safari drives, I’ve fallen in love with Hyena. And the woodlands kingfisher does my all time favorite bird call. So great to “be” in the bush with you all. Many many thanks

Cord and Vicky

Honored to have been there for such an amazing 4 days. Newborn everywhere!

Joy Bubo

Wonderful sighting and even lovelier pictures. What a week!

Mike & Chris Pazzani

Thanks foe guiding us around Londolozi earlier this week. We had an amazing time with you, Dave, the lions, leopards, hyenas and all the birds. We’ve subscribed to this blog and look forwards to updates.
We’ve put some of our photos on our blogs at
http://londolozi-thonga.blogspot.com/ and http://www.new-jersey-birds.com/

-Mike and Chris

Penny Parker

Wow. I have started reading the blog from a while back, before I left for the UK. These photo’s are magnificent, and it seems the summer is beautiful in the bush, as always. Looking forward to the many posts I need to catch up on.

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