About the Author

James Hobson


James guided at Londolozi from 2010 to 2013, during which time he worked with legendary tracker Elmon Mhlongo, with whom he struck up a lasting friendship. After leaving the bush James moved to Johannesburg, where he established a recruitment company- Blue Recruiting - ...

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on My Friend Elmon

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What an incredible piece- touching and so true


James, beautifully written, thank you. What a legend of a man, it seems like has has the perfect partner. I remember the first time I found myself tracking a leopard with one of my childhood heroes, it was quite surreal.

Quite right James, he is a legend! Incredible to be working with someone who I used to watch on television and admire as a child.

James Tyrrell

Brilliantly written Hobbo! A really wonderful piece! Did Chris take the photo of you driving towards the camera? Nice passenger underneath there…

Kim Hawkins

Such a touching and inspired post!

Scott Houseman


A very well written piece, I thorougly enjoyed it.

I remember watching Elmon in John Varty’s documentairies when I was a youngseter. It must be quite something to work with him. If I remember correctly, he once demonstrated how to test the age of elephant dung by inserting his middle finger into it. I believe that this was a method that was patented to him.

Cheers & best of luck.

Thanks for your comment Scott. I’ve learnt many such bush skill from Elmon. Sometimes my guests take a little convincing that that is the best way to check the freshness of elephant dung!

Henry Smith

Really nice piece, James. You guys do such a wonderful job with this blog!

Guest contributor

Incredible! It is such a privilege to work with you guys. He is an amazing man.

A great tribute to two really amazing souls…love the pics!

John Schadler

James……what a beautiful expression of admiration and friendship for a truly wonderful man. It brought back such great memories of our time spent together last summer and we are eternally grateful to have met and to know both you and Elmon. Best wishes…. John, Anne, Max and Neve

John, thanks for your wishes. Elmon and I look forward to seeing you and your family back at Londdolozi some time!


Truly inspiring story — Thanks to both of you
Now Elmon you have to write a book and share your wisdom with the rest of us …

Awesome! A great privelege, and well written James.


An excellent piece of writing about an amazing man! Thank-you for sharing.

Doreen Dziepak

wonderful post ! thank you for being open and sharing your profound admiration for a quiet man

Swellendam TV

What a legend!


Wow Hobbo – sounds amazing! What an inspiring story. Sounds like you are having an incredible time there. Will have to come visit!

Katie Siegel

Wonderful post, nice to put a face to the man that my daughter calls her grandfather. Her stories tell me how great a teacher he is. Thanks for sharing

Fantastic James.

Joleen Wangler

James – what a beautiful tribute. You and Elmon are amazing people and we have much to learn from both of you. …Feeling lucky to have met such a pair and looking forward to the next time!

Hi Joleen. Thanks for your comment and kind words. We look forward to seeing you back at Londo’s sometime. Not sure Elmon and I can guarantee that we’ll see a buffalo kill on your 1st drive again!

Jacqui Hemphill

Incredible tribute to an amazing man… Awesome James…


What a great read. Thank you for sharing your story of Elmon.

Faryal Jooma

“Big Chief, Teacher, Friend…..” Elmon is the KING! Someone who has touched our lives and whom Karim, Aamer, Zeyd and I will never forget. We yearn for Londolozi and to be with Elmon again. As for you, ditched us haven’t you!!! On a serious note, our gratitude always for all your kindness and for those three magical days in July 2010, which would not have been so without Elmon and you. The “A” Team!!

Thanks for the wonderful comment Faryal, I will be sure to pass them onto James and Elmon. rich

June Stabler

Dear Elmon,
Saw you on the facebook of Londolozi and just had to say how wonderful you look after all these years
Do you remember me you used to pick me up from Skukuza airport when you were not working for John but it was your brother that usually picked me up I have forgotton his name. but I believed he died.
The Shangaans used to call me Mburru Magogga (beautiful grandmother) we had some magical times in those days at Londolozi, 1985 -1995 I remember when we sent you to the Amazon, you had not been on a plane before and also when I had to go and get the dollars for you, you came to the Johannesburg office and you were quite scared to go, but once again I applaud you you did it and we were all so proud of you, and to you remember th Xmas party at the lodge when I danced with the Sangoma you were laughing so hard. Any way Elmon I hop you remember me I always loved my Shangaans and the soul of Londolozi, one day I will come and see you all.
Lots of Love

Beautiful inspiring story.

This is such a beautiful and meaningful post about an incredible person.

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