About the Author

James Tyrrell


James had hardly touched a camera when he came to Londolozi, but his writing skills that complemented his Honours degree in Zoology meant that he was quickly snapped up by the Londolozi blog team. An environment rich in photographers helped him develop the ...

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on Back with the Pack

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What an absolute delight! Such a privilage to see these magical beasts. Your photos are awesome.
Power to people like Tico Mc Nutt, and the team at the Tusk Trust for all their hard work to try to protect the wild dogs from extinction.

Penny Parker

The Hyena squaring off with the Wild Dog is particularly amazing. The Hyena dwarfs the dog with that bulk. But wow the dogs are beauties!
I agree with Nix, its such a privilege, as though every so often these cunning and beautiful pack animals grace you with their presence. Once again i will say it, Best job in the world!

Victor Ros

Fantastic images!

Henry Smith

Nice photos, James. I love the wild dogs and have been lucky enough to see them on most of our trips to South Africa. Is it just me, or do you find it harder to get crisp shots of the dogs than other animals? I’ve taken enough photos to get some good ones, but I always seem to end up with a lot that aren’t quite in focus – it’s almost as if their camo colouring fools my autofocus. Hopefully, I’ll have another opportunity later this month when we have the pleasure of visiting you all again!

You are quite right Henry, despite being a predator they are much harder to photograph than leopard of lion. I think it has to do with the way they move as well their camo coloring. When focusing your camera, always use the eye are your primary point of reference. As long as you get that in focus, the picture is workable. Thanks for your comments. Rich

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