on The Week in Pictures # 9

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OMG as fantastic as always. In fact it just keeps getting better and better. Way to go Tal….xoxoxox


Just flat out gorgeous.

Lovely to see the 4 older Tsalala cubs again. We were able to watch them in June high on the rocks. Their cousins are adorable. I am particularly fond of the bird pictures however. The bee-eaters are one of my favorites! Thanks!
How many in the Sparta pride? We saw a group of 3 when we were there in June: 1 young male and his mum plus his grandmother? Are they still there?

Thank Geri! The Sparta Pride is a bit confusing of late, as the presence of the Majingalane Coalition seemed to drive them apart for a while. There are 5 females in the Pride, and 2 young males we see mainly with another male who is originally from the Tsalala Pride. We were viewing 2 of the females together and the other 3 together, but now it seems they’ve rejoined… probably why they have been able to hunt big things successfully! I’m sure the ones you saw were the group of 2 lionesses (you’re right it was mother and daughter) while they were separated and one of the young males. We haven’t seen those males lately, but they could be lying low on the southern side of Londolozi, out of the Majingalane’s territory.

Debbie Higgs

Your photo’s are absolutely wonderful. Thank you again.

Penny Parker

The White Fronted Bee Eater, The striking seated “pose” as well as the in-flight pic – this litte guy knows how to look good for a camera 😉
Aah and the cubs. So curious. The cheeky young ellie with the hippos, and the leopards….
I don’t think I can choose a favourite this week. You have outdone yourself!


Once more Talley you have blown us away – absolutely brilliant … lost for words ….

Great week my friend! Well done!

Thanks so much guys! The bush never disappoints.

Jane West

Between the bee eater, the baby lion cubs and the starling, I can’t decide which is my favorite! What a week! As you say, the bush never disappoints. Thanks Talley!

Jane West

Forgot to mention the hippos and elephant boys! WOW!

Amanda von der Schulenburg

Amazing photographs! I love reading about how the different animals are faring at Londolozi; it’s been almost 4 years since my visit, and it only seems like yesterday. Thanks for sharing.

Thomas and heidi

Hi Talley,

What amazing sights and photos. I told you, you are a genius. Somehow the animals do feel, how fond you are of them and they reward you with frequent appearances.
Great that you could spend some time on bird watching. Your knowledge about these small “predators” amazed me a lot, when we had the privilege to accompany you !
Carry on and don’t you dare to ever leave Londolozi, before we are back again !
Warm regards, also from Heidi of course,
Thomas (the lion finder :):):)

Adrienne Smith

OK Tal, that’s it. I’m coming back. I can hardly stand to be away nevermind your amazing documentation of what I’m missing!

xoxo Addie

OMG, Talley, the photos are fabulous. I was there for several of them..including the young elephant playing with the little hippos, the FOUR lion cubs…and the close up of Shayne—fantastic. And the lioness enjoying the leg bone. I can’t wait to see the video…thanks for the memorable stay at Londolosi Founders!!!! We hope to see you again.

“The three days we spent on the Photographic Vehicle came to its pinnacle on the final night when we discovered a new access to the den site of the younger Tsalala cubs.” (That’s us!) Jane West was particularly impressed, as well she should have been!

All the best,


Marjani Smith

We miss you! I need your email and cell. Can you email contact info please!!!
We need to connect!


I love how ur so pashionate about wildlife I love animals SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much!!! AH!

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