on The Week in Pictures # 5

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Penny Parker

WOW! love the Zebra foal and the Nyeleti Young Male drinking and the cubs hunting practice pics are just sensational. in fact – these are all sensational, and like you said – even if its not optimal photography – you can’t ask a leopard or any wild animal to “move a bit right please, I would like to get a clear shot” haha, its all about the moment. makes it even a little more special.


Fabulous pictures…my heart yearns for a visit to Londolozi again 🙂

Francie Manning

More sensational photos! Talley, you are a GREAT photographer.


Rogers Knopik

This week has been great. I already miss you guys and it’s been 4 hours. The animals were unbelievable!

Only 4 hours! Awesome to see that you checked out the blog so quickly. I hope you will spot a few of your sightings published in the next week or two. Thanks for your kind words and we all look forward to seeing more of your comments. Regards, Rich

Great pictures Talley.

Heidi Wolff

Dear Talley,
How nice to view the pictures of our wonderful week with you. I miss our game drives with you although sitting on the terrace of our water villa makes it a little easier. Life here is also very nice but totally different. I have to get used to the marine creatures.
But I will definitely follow Womba’s life and also that of all the other animals. Your pictures are really great.
I can see that Thomas is also writing to you. Have a nice time at home.
Best wishes
Heidi and Thomas

Thomas and heidi

Dear Heidi,

Copied !

Yours Thomas


This is the best blog I’ve come across in long time – the pictures and the stories are fantastic. Thank you.

Thanks for you kind words Kate, wonderful feedback to receive. So pleased that you enjoyed all the pictures, we will definitely keep them coming. Look forward to seeing your comments on the blog going into the future. Regards, Rich

Thomas and heidi

Dear talley,
Unfortunately my nice letter didn’t reach you.
We enjoyed every minute, being well aware, that we have experienced a big basket of luck during the drives with you.
But we know just as well, that your and miltons skills, humour and great company were outstanding and adorable !
It will not surprise you, that we also vividly remember your farewell at the runway, standing on our rover with waving arms.
Thanks a lot for everything, don’t forget us and let’s stay in touch.

Wishing you a lovely holiday in Bermuda

With kindest regards


Jane West

TAllleeeyyyy! What a wonderful story you weave with your photos! The sighting of the leopard feeding, both on the ground and in the tree, was particularly interesting. Your writing makes me feel like I’m back in the bush (and I wish I was!!)
xxoo Janie

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