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Adam Bannister


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on Backpacking Madagascar

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Seems like you had a nice trip, but yeah… the place is a shadow of what it once was (90% of original rainforest cover destroyed). Same goes for every other biodiverse place on the planet, victims of what comes with human overpopulation – deforestation, poaching, land encroachment etc. And the sad part is, there’s no way to stop this from happening if humans don’t stop procreate at this unsustainable rate.

Denise M.

Would the Londolozi model work there…..I know it sounds like a naive question….but in theory? Help the land restore itself….the animals would return, and the people could sustain themselves from the wildlife?
Anyway, loved the story…and your sense of adventure. And that photograph, “street football” is BRILLIANT!!!
ps. Adam, I’m not stalking you….I’m old enough to be your mother….or at least your Older sister 😉
I just can’t get Londolozi off my mind. Please say hello to everyone from me.


I wish we had known you were heading that way – we run medical aid into Madagascar (yes we are a French humanitarian group so it does make a difference). They go to Ambositra which is central but have some great contacts. The need for aid is great, and it is so hard to get the balance right with nature. When we see sick and needy children I am afraid they become our priority, especially when we have the solution to hand. Once again your photos are magnificent, and your words touch our hearts.

Denise M – I think we all still have Londolozi in our hearts, and long may it stay with you – it will certainly remain with me as a magical time – I hope the Londolozi team feel our joy and I for one will always be grateful for such an awakening.

S delaney

Sheena – I am going with 2 friends in October. While we certainly hope to be better prepared in advance than Adam, we have similar goals – avoid the big touristy parts, opt for getting closer to the people, traveling by taxi-brousse, etc.

If there’s something we can do for your organization while there, please let me know and I’ll try to make it happen. (I speak French and am a trained anthropologist, if any of that is useful…)

Denise M.

Beautifully said Sheena. I feel exactly the same….and my intent is to carry it with me always. To spread the energy of that magical experience where ever in the world I may wander.


Well, Adam, you’ve pretty much sealed the deal, guess I’m going to Madagascar!! Always been a mystery to me and a place that’s on my radar. Your story and photos are wildly informative and exude your passion for the place! Thanks for the heads up!!

Linda Lunsche

Hi Ad,
Your article was beautifully written and I have really enjoyed reading all about your travels through Madagascar including looking at your magnificent photographs of all the lemurs, beetles and people.
Wishing you all the best and a few more exciting adventures!
All my love


Adam, you have done EXACTLY what I am planning to do in a few months! I am about to splurge and buy a plane ticked to Madagascar from the US to explore the biodiversity and rich culture and just live. I am a college student looking for a crazy adventure, and it is so inspiring to hear my dreams are possible. I am planing on bringing a tent to stay in and be as cheap as cheap can be. I would love to trek and hike for as long as possible. Did you run into any problems with land use? Are there any laws I should know about if I were to just pitch my tent in the middle of a forest or field etc.? What were your sleeping arrangements? I would love to know what books you recommend to better study the wildlife and country before I go. Any advice you have would be much appreciated! Thank you for inspiring me and instilling faith in this trip!



Hey Tallulah when are you going to be there??? I’m going too and am looking for a similar experience


Hi Matt and Tallulah,

I am currently travelling around South Africa (am from the UK) and am really keen to fly out to Madagascar in the next week or so for 3-4 weeks or so. Will either of you be out there then?


Located next to the Wicklow Mountains and the Clara Valey National Park, both oferring numerous forest walks/trails.Tent select

Florian Damien Singh

Dear Adam,

thanks for sharing your wonderful experience!
Such beautiful words!
Are you still willing to share some more of you experiences? Thank would be lovely, if not, no worries. 🙂

Greetings from Berlin,


Incredibly great post!

Traveling solo in Madagascar has been, and will always be safe than in any other biodiversity-rich country. In case somebody need a help, just refer to http://tsiky-tour.com/en/. Venture in guys, you will be amazed!


amazing and wonderfull
i’m imprtant with your post, i’m love it

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