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Adam Bannister


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on Buffalo Attacked by Lionesses – Escapes Death

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Gosh! I had wished they had made the kill …..but quickly. Lions are much more endangered than buffalo but I do not like to see any animal tormented and in distress. May they learn their lesson for next time!

James H

Absolutely amazing footage! And so many people think lions have it easy. What an incredible dual.

Lions/buffalo … both with the instinct to live and kill…what amazing film… thank you!

Penny Parker

Its a difficult situation. Lions needing a meal to survive. And a Buffalo Bull fighting for its life. I agree with Linda, dissapointed for the Lions after 6 longs hours of work – probably work off enough energy to need more than that Buffalo as a meal! But the Buffalo put up such a good fight. He deserved another day after what he went through – probably deserves a drink too! 🙂

This is truly spectacular footage! What is interesting is that the Sparta Pride seem to have been split into little fragments of their former selves…hopefully they can regroup soon!

Kimberly Davis

We were lucky enough to be the ones to get to witness this battle… it was a mix of feelings… very sad for the buffalo at first, we really thought they had got him, but to our utter surprise the buffalo had a rush of adreniline and got up and shook the lions off. We followed them for hours where they kept having stand offs. Finally the lions got tired and layed down by a tree after getting a drink of water after they lost the buffalo. The lions didn’t get to eat, but we did feel bad for the buffalo because he had major injuries and was walking around by himself… lets just hope he found the rest of the herd soon…


Just wanted to note that not all that footage was mine. Thanks to Kimberly & Drew Davis (USA) and Greg Meaker (Cayman Islands) for adding your great videos. It will be in my memory for many years to come. Not sure i will ever get that close to Buffalo again 😉

Graeme Marais


josiah kabiru

I am very proud of the buffalo.you dont have to accept defeat just coz history dictates so.Be the odd one out.

Jo Lynne Jones

Adam, thanks again. Full of questions about the logistics. Did you stay all 6 hours? I see the video vehicle – were you doing the shots we saw initially and then add in the ones from the other truck?

Yes, James, it is hard to be a predator. I just took your words to a class of 10 year olds this week. I showed the leopard-giraffe-hyena sequence from last month plus some other misses I have recorded. At the end of the presentation the one thing they all took home was that “It is HARD to be a predator.”

Hi Jo, the scene is epic. I actually did not film any of it but rather got the footage from about 4 video cameras. One vehicle did stay for about 4 hours and then other vehicles arrived and ‘took over’ so to speak. It was truly spectacular and the type of footage you just don’t see everyday!

Gavin Lautenbach

Awesome sighting Well Done !!

Alvin Unger

Rex, how cool that you were there. I guess that’s why you stay with the party. How’s Life doing on his break? I feel bad that the lions lost, because they are the minority. If a buffalo came upon a wounded lion, he wouldn’t hesitate to make mince meat out of it!

Callie Barrow

Amazing photography, Rex!!!! …..but then I always knew that you have an artistic eye!! Seriously, though, this is truly exceptional video footage of an awesome happening. I couldn’t help feeling sorry for the suffering buffalo though, six hours is a l-o-n-g time to endure a novice killing spree by those young lions!!! What I wouldn’t do to visit Londolozi ….. my camera would go CRAZY!!! Lots of love X X X X

eva iervolino

That’s what Africa is about – pure adventure and stress for all its creatures.


Disappointed. I thought highly of the Eyrefield/Sparta lions but I’m afraid killing a buffalo bull was too hard for them. As oppose to the Mapogo brothers of course.

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