Londolozi is passionate about education. Through the Good Work Foundation we are working hard to develop rural education centers in the communities surrounding our reserve. In the urban areas however there is another organisation which is also striving the develop and enhance the education of young minds in South Africa.
The organisation is called the Bokamoso Trust and is based around the simple premise that many people collectively contributing a small monthly amount will allow for a child to be put through school and given a decent education. The more people contributing, the more children are put through school. Conceived by a group of friends, one of which is a former Londolozi Ranger – Graeme Marais, the Trust has been successfully growing since 2007.

Bokamoso Education Trust Comrades 2011
This year a few members of the Bokamoso Trust are running the Comrades Marathon, an 89km road race between Durban and Pietermaritzburg, to raise money and awareness for their cause. They are doing this by allowing you to place bets on how long each of the runners will take to complete the run. The individual with the closest prediction will win back 10% of the total funds raised, whilst the remaining 90% will go towards the education of more children.
To find out more about this unique charity and to place your bet on one or more of the runners, go and visit: http://bokamosotrust.org.za/comrades-marathon/
Good Luck and Happy Betting!
Rich and Londolozi thank you very much for supporting our cause!
The Bokamoso Education Trust presently finances the education of 8 children that alternatively would not have access to a decent education. Hopefully with this additional exposure and support from the Londolozi family we will be able to take on even more children in future!
Thanks again for you support and your incredible blog.. A regular source of nostalgia for an ex ranger!
Its a great pleasure Graeme, good luck with this initiative and to the athletes running 89km for the Bokamoso Trust!