About the Author

Rich Laburn

Head of Digital

Rich is the driving force behind Londolozi’s online storytelling and the founder of the Londolozi blog. His passions of digital media, film and photography have seen him build Londolozi's online ecosystem into a unique platform for advocacy of the restoration and rewilding of ...

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on Wild Bushfires: Behind the Scenes

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Thank you all for your “common love” of Mother Nature and what the bush in Sabi Sand has to share with every one. Yes, it can be about business, but as you said, with out the glories of the bush and all the amazing animals first and foremost, there would be no businesses.
I am thankful to hear there were no losses of lives or buildings.
Many of us watch these wicked storms you have on web cams and when we can see the sky glowing, many wish we could be there to help and watch and wait for updates in hoping every thing turned out ok.

Many thanks again to all of you for doing what you do and sharing it with all of us.

We are also relieved that there have been no severe accidents with the bushfires this year.

I would, however hesitate to say that the storms are wicked. Althoug they may create extra work for the lodges, they are an essential part of the seasonal process and the circle of nature. Bushfires are incredibly good for stimulating the regrowth of seasonal grasses, spurring seeds in fruition and burning out encroaching bush. Sure we like to keep them contained as a wild fire does pose a severe threat to a lodge, but as with everything natural, it has its place in the system.

Thanks, as always for your thoughts Karen.



So pleased you got the fire under control – there is nothing more devastating than a fire that rages through the bush. May you soon get lots of rain, not only to fill the dams and rivers, but to stop the bush being like tinder when the lightning strikes. Thanks to all the lodges and people involved. Hard work.

I think that the rain is less than a week away. In my experience, it usually only starts when November comes around. Can’t wait for the downpouring! Thanks for your comments Liz.


ThankYou for the updates- How much of Dudley/Londolozi was affected in this instance?

Not too much, the block was probably a few square kilometers. All in all this last fire will probably be quite good for that area of the property which has quite a bit of Sickle Bush encroaching on it. The burn would have stimulated a large amount of regrowth from dormants grasses and other plants.


We watched the sky glow and we worried.We worried for the lives of ppl and wildlife.Now we will see the new growth with the rains coming.Luv to hear about the unity and togetherness in times of crisis.That is the way. Thanks for sharing

Pleasure Gloria, I agree that the more individuals collaborate and share their time, information, resources and ideas – the more positive progression will be. Thanks for your thoughts. Where did you watch the sky glow from?

Claire-M. Lepage

Thank you for this video that gives me an insight into your life in the bush. And your blog is beautifully written … I mean that it’s good to know that when needed you are all there to help the other.

I’m glad to know that you are all safe.


Thanks for your comment and thoughts Claire.


During my short time spent in South Africa i remember the thunder storm as magnificent but you dont think of the devistation they can cause to land and wildlife. My heart goes out to you. The land will regenerate but maybe not quick enough for some wildlife.

We alway see televised the american fireballs or australian ones too but wonder why the South African is never seen and if seen only by a few.

If i was in South Africa i would volunteer to help but unfortunately england is a long way away at the moment.

Take care all off you.

Thanks June. The land will regenerate, however I don’t believe that contained fires such as these are that devastating. Owing to the fact that Londolozi is open to and part of 6 million acres of Kruger National Park, there is more than enough space and land for animals to flourish in times of small bushfires.

I am not too sure what the current situation with controlled burning is in the Kruger National Park, however, as this could be a potentially different story. Have you heard anything?

You are all heroes in my eyes! So dedicated! During my visit in October before I visited Londolozi I was at Exeter River Lodge when there was a fire caused by the lightning. All the rangers and staff from the surrounding lodges got together and worked as a team to fight the fire. The fire started at about 6 or 6.30pm in the evening. They came back to the lodge at about 2am early morning(late night) after fighting the fire and were up in the morning to take us on game drive, still as happy, cheerful and enthusiastic as ever! No moaning about how tired they were or their hands were covered with blisters. My hats off to you all!

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