About the Author

Rich Laburn

Head of Digital

Rich is the driving force behind Londolozi’s online storytelling and the founder of the Londolozi blog. His passions of digital media, film and photography have seen him build Londolozi's online ecosystem into a unique platform for advocacy of the restoration and rewilding of ...

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on Nine Lives – Memories of a Maverick Conservationist

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OH brilliant … I am going to see if I can get a copy of this in the UK. I love John Varty … he has been controversial, he has been crazy, he has been passionate, but most of all he cares deeply for the creatures of our beautiful Africa. Thanks for letting us know his story is now in print!

Pleasure Liz, I have read through most of his book and it is a nice read. It tells many of his life stories as well as of the various relationships he has had with different cats such as the Mother Leopard, Jamu and Shingilana. What a life to have led!

I hope (am I wrong) that I can purchase this when I’m at Londolozi in November???

kelly lankeu

hey,please would you help me get in touch with John Varty,he helped me a lot while he was doing filming in the maasai mara in kenya and i just feel that i MUST say a big thank you to him for if it were not him,could’nt have been here i am as a university student.

so kindly,would really appreciate if you do send me his email address or just anything that will make me reach him.

thanks so much,looking forward to hear from you son

Hi Kelly, I have sent you an email with details. Rich


Well, I got a friend to post me a copy of the book, have just finished reading it. Loved it, loved it. What an extraordinary life JV has led and whilst he continues to attract controversy in his endeavours, I think he is amazing and I salute him for all he has achieved. What a wonderful life – I wish I could have done something similar. Thanks JV, I hope one day to return to Londolozi, I just love it so much – its very special.

Thanks Liz, good to hear you enjoyed reading about his interesting and adventurous life.

I just found this post and will try and order JV’s book. 🙂 I just finished Dave Varty’s book.

Book is avail. 17th March 2011 from amazon.com I pre-ordered and now have to wait! LOL I didn’t see any listing at the amazon UK site.

Chris from France


Is it possible to buy on internet the DVD “nine lives” ?
Regarding the book, is there a chance in the future to be translated in french language ?
Thanks for your answer,

Kind regards,


Hi Chris,

The book is unfortunately not in either DVD or French format. I am not sure if it will ever be translated into French, perhaps if it sells enough copies it will. I hope that answers your questions?


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