Involved Leopards

Tutlwa 4:3 Female

Tutlwa 4:3 Female

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About the Author

Rich Laburn

Head of Digital

Rich is the driving force behind Londolozi’s online storytelling and the founder of the Londolozi blog. His passions of digital media, film and photography have seen him build Londolozi's online ecosystem into a unique platform for advocacy of the restoration and rewilding of ...

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on Where is the Tutlwa Female’s Den Site?

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I would go for number 6, the Sand River rocks. Lots of big boulders to hide under.

Not a bad suggestion Julz, it would be my second choice after the woodlands by the lookout….


Ximpalapala Koppies.

Love the sound of the name and the March 22nd blog mentioned that ‘those in touch with energy are aware of something different in the ether”…
Just the place for the cub of a magical cat to spend some time while it grows…

You could well be right. I did a bit of research into the history of leopards here and there is no recorded history of a leopard den site at Ximpalapala Koppies so perhaps this will be the first time. It is quite far north in her territory, however she may have moved up there to get out of the Sand River area which is currently very busy owing to it being the primary water source on Londolozi.

I think probably number 6. Because of the rocky area.
Another possibility is under a lodge deck? I know that could be anywhere, but that is a possibility as the baby is hidden under the deck, but still in a relatively safe area due to humans being around.

Hey Sheila,

Under the deck is certainly a possibility, hence I included Pioneer Camp in the list as this time last year the Vomba Female hid her cubs there for a short period. The leopards at Londolozi are generally very comfortable around human settlements and probably wouldn’t bat an eyelid at using the lodge as a location.

Wow Rich! I hope you find the cub! I would love to see the little one with mum when I arrive next month!


I reckon she’ll be somewhere near 3 on Saturday – hopefully we’ll be doing yoga on the look out Deck at the time : )

I think so too, although hopefully we won’t have to wait all the way until Saturday before she reveals the cub to us…


Beaumonts double crossing!

You’re dead right Lucien! Thats exactly where she is. How did it get that name by the way?

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