About the Author

Rich Laburn

Head of Digital

Rich is the driving force behind Londolozi’s online storytelling and the founder of the Londolozi blog. His passions of digital media, film and photography have seen him build Londolozi's online ecosystem into a unique platform for advocacy of the restoration and rewilding of ...

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on Camp Pan Leopard Kills Again

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LIz Brown

Incredible sighting – not only the kill, but then the action to keep his prize! Well shot Nic and thank you for sharing with all of us Sabi Sands fanatics!

Superb video! Thanks for sharing!

WOW! What luck to be in the right place at the right time. Great capture! Sure doesn’t take long for those hyaenas to make their way to a kill happening does it.

Great video Nic, well done.
Karen, at Londolozi there is no such thing like “luck”, there is quality of rangers and trackers! These guys know what they have to do when and how.

Thanks for the comments Jos, admitedly we do place an extremely high emphasis on the quality of our ranging and tracking team as well as the decades of hard work and effort put in by past rangers and trackers to ensure we are privileged enough to have the game viewing that we do today.

Graeme Marais

It was their last drive of their stay at Londolozi. When I had asked these amazing guests the night before, at dinner, if they could see one thing, what would it be. The tentative response was, “I dont want to ask too much but if I could see a leopard in a tree, it would be a dream come true.” Its amazing how often this game lodge makes your dreams come true. Whats more, it was my 28th birthday that day! Thats one birthday I will never forget.

Graeme, glad that you were able to show your guests such an amazing sighting and on your birthday! Hopefully you continue to have such good fortune with the sightings that you witness as Londoz and that you also continue to make people’s dreams come true. Thanks for your thoughts.

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