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Rich Laburn

Head of Digital

Rich is the driving force behind Londolozi’s online storytelling and the founder of the Londolozi blog. His passions of digital media, film and photography have seen him build Londolozi's online ecosystem into a unique platform for advocacy of the restoration and rewilding of ...

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on The Mapogo Males – The Deep Dark Underworld of the Sabi Sands

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The Mapogos are vicious bullies. Their reign of terror has lasted for several years. I do understand the urge for dominance, territory, and mating rites which usually involves weaker males dying and the killing of cubs that are not their own. But killing females and eating the lions they have killed? Still, I watch their slow demise as the dominant males and I can’t help but feel sorry for them, particularly the lone male. Male lions are not “created” to be solitary… I truly hope some measure of peace will come to them all, with a minimal loss of life. I would dearly love to see the Mapogos live out their lives quietly, but somehow, I don’t think that will happen.

Luke Galardi

Wow, a really great writeup that leaves me thinking. Why do I get so drawn to the conflict, you so somber at the end results? As I look at Bent Spine, Mr T and especially Makula in their later years, I would dread seeing them go out being mauled by a younger, larger coalition. Yet, a few years ago I would have wished for possibly such – with the rampage and damage their coalition did. Emotions are hard to explain. I am pulling for them now, hoping they can delay the inevitable confrontations, and their current offspring will get off to a good start.
Jody said it well above”
“I would dearly love to see the Mapogos live out their lives quietly, but somehow, I don’t think that will happen.”


Instead of just spectating at how the nature adjusts things by itself, you can intervene at any time you want to shape things in a good way, because that too can be thought as a part of natural selection.

Joe George

Watched a video of the death of Mr. T. Quite horrible. But then one reads of his reign of terror that lasted so many years. Mr. Ts coalition was violent and impacted negatively on the genetic makeup of those areas.

chabu dansten

i would love sending me this link or rather permision to copy it pliz!!.

“For the coalition of the 6 Mapogo males, their former glory seems to be a thing of the past.”

In my opinion this claim is wrong: they ruled the western sector of Sabi Sand for another two years.

I have watched the documentary on television. This is a great post to read again about the lion dynamics in the Sabi Sands.

The Mapogo’s lost out due to the disappearance of rasta and dreadlocks or they would’ve retaken their lost territory

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