About the Author

Amy Attenborough


Amy worked at Londolozi from 2014 to 2017, guiding full time before moving into the media department, where her photographic and story-telling skills shone through. Her deep love of all things wild and her spiritual connection to Africa set her writing and guiding ...

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on Lion Warfare Update: Majingilane versus Matimba

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This is riveting. Havu g got to know dark mane lion a few weeks ago and tracking with him for 6 days it’s fascinating to hear of his and his brothers escape. Btw. Has it rained ?

Patti Hotz

Just want the Matba to get healthy and get back to their territory. What could be “driving” them to roam into precarious territory?


Another historic battle for the books!!! 2 Majingi take on 2 Matimbas and they winners are….Majingilane, mA.

Mike C

This must have been amazing to witness. Thank you for sharing with us, my heart was pounding reading it. Very happy to see the majingis aren’t done yet. Hoping they can hang around a little while longer.


Thank you for this excellent article, BTW. Please keep us posted for further developments.

Wow, thanks for such a detailed update! For the record, up north where the Matimbas have been for several years, we refer to the lighter maned one as Ginger and the darker one as Hairy Belly (as he has a dark hairy belly!).

Amazing! Since returning from Londolozi in January I can’t stop thinking about all the beauty and wildlife we experienced. Reading your stories and seeing your pictures keeps the experience alive. Thank you so much!


Thank you Amy for the update ~ I wish they would come back to Djuma

Jill Grady

Wow, what a rough week for the Matimba! I really hope they are both okay and will return to full health…perhaps a little wiser. Great blog Amy, please keep us updated! I’m on the edge of my seat to see what happens next!

Amazing article!!

Once again, the Majingilane males show why they are the Kings of the Sabi Sands. Thanks for the great write up, Amy.


If matimba falls very next day majingilane will fall because they indirectly protecting their territory from Birmingham boys

Thank u for the blog. I couldn’t read it fast enough. The whole thing is amazing. I love it. Only wish I was there.

Wow Amy amazing writing made you really picture what was happening clearley Matimbas are in big trouble the Majingis probs wont really try and push back into their old territory it was just a responce too the Matimbas going into Singita but the Matimbas sooner or later the Birminghams will be looking too expand they have a large territory and 2 prides the Styx and Nkuhumas now with cubs on the way with the Styx but eventually with 5 males they be looking for more territory and the north of Londolozi with the Tslalalas and only the 2 Matimbas who they pushed out before would be a prime target esp since the Matimbas are not in good shape at the moment

Please keep us updated.

Jason Dirion

Matimbas are legends and will be remembered as the forever. These two have previously defeated a coalition of 7 Orpen Male Lions, 5 Giraffe Male Lions, 4 Machaton Male Lions but it now seems they are now old and are struggling against 5 Birmingham Males and the 4 Majingilanes…

Hope those to recover very soon and produce some offspring with Tsalala and Mhangeni prides

You do realise the Matimbas were a coalition of 6 but they split into 3 groups 1 of 1, 1 of 3 and 1 of 2. The 5 Giraffe Males and 4 Machaton Males were defeated by the 3 Northern Matimbas and the 7 Orpen males were defeated when all 6 were still together the 2 Southern Matimbas alone have only defeated the Fourways and Styx Males


that’s true…this two males defeated only 4 years blond fourway and and young Styx males…

I had to hold my breath in order to get through this. I really hope both Ginger and Hairy belly are okay and not injured too badly. Though I am happy that none of the majingilanes were injured, I have grown so fond of the Matimbas that I was almost afraid to click the link and read this blog fearing what may have happened. Thanks for a great article and yes, please keep the updates coming!

Brian C

Wow again! This was phenomenal. Super writing. Can’t wait to see what happens next.


I am willing to be what happened was the Matimba male involved in the fight earlier in the month likely fled the confrontation due to his injuries and weakened condition, leaving the larger Matimba male in a 2 vs 1 or worse situation, which no male will likely win. Hopefully all parties heal soon though and we can see where this all goes.


Majingilane’s have killed off the Mapogo’s, Selati’s, and a few minutes from taking out the top 2 Matimba’s. I think these are probably the most supreme group of males we’ve seen in quite awhile – unreal the territory they’ve managed to keep for so long. They have to be over 10 years old now.


Friends I want marimba update

Hi Sanju. The Matimba males are doing well and both in good condition once again. There have been no more incidents since that last fight with the Majingilane. Thank you, Amy


Hi Amy, Did the Southern Matimnas find each other?

Hi Ethan. Yes, they did indeed. About two days after the skirmish they reunited and have been together since.


Charles, that is also what I surmised after reading Amy’s article. It was a 2-on-2 and Ginger probably took off when he saw the Majingis not roaring but seriously stalking and running after them. So, that is when the Matimbas must have split and the two Majingis caught up to HB and thus the fight mentioned in the article.


Amy, are there ANY pictures or video of anyone of the Majingilane and the Matimba together in the same screen? I would be interested to see what, if any size, difference they have on each other.

Flying Cat

This is why people call Hairy Belly Boxer. The ultimate surviver and fighting. Having already survived many big games battle, i am not surprised he survived against 4 Majingilanes.


Amy, i love ur work! I loved the Mapogos, but am fascinated with male lion coalitions as a whole. Keep up the wonderful work!


Please tell about marimbas and majingalane lions history and selatis and Birmingham lions

Hi Jagadeesh,

If you use our search tool in the blog (small magnifying and glass in the top right) you should come across a lot of articles that will fill you in on their respective histories.

Senior Digital Ranger

The fight of the titans.

Again majingilane find themselves 4on 1 as all their battles. If only they would face 4 matimbas would have been different for them and they could have earned a better reputation as worthy lions

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