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James Tyrrell


James had hardly touched a camera when he came to Londolozi, but his writing skills that complemented his Honours degree in Zoology meant that he was quickly snapped up by the Londolozi blog team. An environment rich in photographers helped him develop the ...

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on Lion Warfare: Styx Males Moving In

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Brilliantly exciting James! Can’t wait to go out and see them one day!

I really don’t think that these boys are a match for the Majingis, and them being there fathers I also don’t think that they would hurt them. But you said that the Majingilane don’t patrol this territory and that they have left the pride. So James, let me ask you something. What do you think it will happen?

James T

Ezequiel I think the Styx males will chase the young Sparta males out and begin mating with the Sparta lionesses. The Styx males have been roaring every evening but we have not seen the Majingilane moving in to chase them off, suggesting they have given up on the Sparta pride. That’s just my opinion and we will have to await events…


Thank you for the answer. It is amazing to see how differently the events develop from one pride to another and of course,between the male coalitions.

Thanks for the great blog James, things are certainly hotting up. From -2 degrees in London

Digital Ranger

Thanks for the story.According to my observation these Styx males appear to be older than 4 years old!Their mane and size appears so much advanced for a 4 year old male lion or it could be since their Father’s abandoned the pride and they are still within the pride they could be feeding well!I wonder what would happen if the Majingilane return back to the Styx pride.

Brian C

Very Interesting. The Styx Pride (sighting #5) seems slightly more south and west than normal. Hope that smart Sparta lioness made it back to her pride ok (don’t think she would want to run into all of the Styx pride by herself)

Very well writing James. I feel like I was there and could hear you sing! Did you ever look up my Texas music by Ray Wiley Hubbard?

James T

I did indeed! Love it!!


Matt Evans

JT! A good account, I was not actually aware of these Styx cats.. the large-mane one is particularly impressive. Definitely agree with Melvin re the lioness’s tactics on this one.

Now, to a bigger point.. How many articles is this now suggesting that the Majinge’s are in trouble/on the decline?! I was with Holley & Woody a few days ago & we were speaking in depth re all things Londo.. They also seemed to suggest the great Majinge are losing their aura.. I’m going to have to speak to Bron & Stoff about this shameful disrespect! 😉

Hope all well down there, compliments of the season to the Londolozi family & hopefully see you soon.

James T


Fear not, I think the Majingis will be around for some time still, now that they are retreating more into the west. Will we be seeing them much on Londolozi anymore? Guess you’re gna have to pay us another visit to find out…


Senior Digital Ranger

Well that is an exciting episode of the Lion prides! I am amazed at how stunningly handsome these Styx boys become & what lovely cubs they will make. I think this girl is going to give them a run for their money 🙂 Thanks James & Happy New Year to you all at Londolozi

Sean R

Are we sure the Majingilane fathered these males? I read yesterday (I think on the mala mala blog) that these males were fathered by other males.

James T

Hi Sean,

Yip, we’re pretty sure they were fathered by Majingis. Have a look at this link: http://blog.malamala.com/index.php/2014/01/the-styx-pride-by-rangers-andrew-bachelor-and-matt-nolden/


You have too much fun in the bush young man. Awesome sighting. Can’t wait to see what is coming in the next year.

Scar Nose Majingilane has now passed away his body was in singita being feed on by hyenas

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