on NBC News interviews Boyd Varty

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Just got it on Kindle and waiting for March 11 🙂

corydon erickson

I really liked what you had to say my wife and I have been to Kruger and other gameparks in Africa,it’s men like you who will make a difference in the future of Africa.If you wish to contact me please feel free todo so.

You, Boyd Varty, are one hell of a man!!

Sheila Hammer

I’m excited to read the book – I spent a few days at Londolozi and it is engraved on my heart as one of the most beautiful places I’ve been for all the senses… I can’t wait to go back!

Jill Grady

Really beautiful. Boyd’s TED talk was also fantastic. I can’t wait to read his book . Somehow Boyd manages to put into words all the incredible feelings that you experience when you are among nature and everything in life comes into the proper perspective.


a great read…nicely done BV

Looks like a great book. I will try and order it later in the year and will probably read it in three days or less. 🙂

Counting days till 4 March when the book will download onto my NOOK.

Carol Santora

I visited Londolozi in 2008… too long ago. I purchased “Cathedral of the Wild” as soon as it was featured in the New York Times Magazine Book Section. Finished it today and am again moved to visit Africa to savor in every dimension thanks to Boyd Varty. What an impressive read from such a young man! Congratulations and best of luck with your “Elephant Corridor” project. I know you will succeed and hope to experience it in the future.
Best wishes, Carol Santora

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