About the Author

Don Heyneke

Alumni Ranger

Don guided at Londolozi between 2013 and 2018, developing into a specialist photographic guide during his time here.

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on Honey Badger Don’t Care

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Awesome experience Don. Great photos. Amazing video

Sandy Johnson

Great video. So many wonderful animals to see at Londolozi. I checked a honey badger off my list while I was there but he was on the move and soon disappeared.

Adri Pretorius

Ag how sweet …… love that little face all covered with soil!
Very special!!

Great fotos, captured the whole event making me feel I was there….superb skill

Marla Oppenheim

Great pictures and video!! One of the animals still on my list to actually see. I missed the other, a pangolin, last September in Londolozi by one day. I guess I will need to return for a third visit!! :>)

These images and the video were an absolute joy to watch. I’ve only seen a honey badger from afar in the dark and on the move. So what a treat it was to see it close-up, in broad daylight, doing whatever it is that honey badgers do. Thank you!

Nina Golden

What a special and incredibly rare sighting, how fantastic! Thank you so m7ch for sharing it, your photos and the vid☆☆☆☆☆

Jill Grady

Great pictures and video Don and Sergey! I’ve never seen a Honey Badger before so thank you for sharing these great images.

Incredible sighting and video Don, thanks so much for sharing the factual insights as well. I have seen honey badgers on a handful of occasions but almost all of these sightings were brief encounters as the honey badger fled from our vehicle. What a rare occurrence to have one this relaxed! What do you think the age of the one is? Great pics and video!

Great blog Don, love the photos and the video footage. It must have been incredible to have seen this from so close. I ticked off my first honey badger a few nights ago, it trotted past our vehicle as we approached camp, a great sighting as well.

Gerald Wilson

What a great sighting. Rare. Like you said when you least expect it, something great comes along to experience.

Don, it was long ago that I was fortunate enough to have you as our ranger (2012)– now you are a photographic guide — congratulations and makes perfect sense given your talent. I am obsessed with honey badgers and would love to see one, and seeing your footage and shots is the next best thing. Great PBS special: Honey Badgers, Masters of Mayhem, is currently running. It is a fascinating look into their oversized brains and what they are capable of. Highly recommend and you can stream the full episode online. I hope to be back to Londolozi one day, if I am so fortunate.

Oh My Goodness! Thank you, Don, for that one minute slice of safari heaven.

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