About the Author

Rich Laburn

Head of Digital

Rich is the driving force behind Londolozi’s online storytelling and the founder of the Londolozi blog. His passions of digital media, film and photography have seen him build Londolozi's online ecosystem into a unique platform for advocacy of the restoration and rewilding of ...

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on Specialised Safari Experiences

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Shanel Cameron

I can’t wait to come back for another Specialised Photographic Safari – what an incredible way to fully appreciate the flora, the fauna, and the talents and company of the staff! Best of all, I have some fantastic images which I am really proud of. Count me in again!

Wonderful to hear Shanel, we so enjoyed having you here a few weeks ago. Your images from the trip were outstanding and I would encourage anyone reading this to take a look – http://blog.londolozi.com/2013/09/londolozi-a-photographic-journey/

Marion Vollborn

One of the most beautiful moments in my life.
I hope I can come soon again.
Many greetings

Thanks Marion, we look forward to welcoming you back. rich

Kunj Trivedi

Hi Richard,
Having recently visited Londolozi and having also experienced addition to Photographers’ needs, I am appreciative of the Managements effort to improve the Photographers experience. I have been visiting Londolozi for more than a decade and I have been also advocating to Londolozi management to improve the facility on the vehicle for professional (including capable) photographers who carry heavy lenses. I do not think much is required to be done on the vehicle. You are also a very professional photographer and also understand what goes into getting (and not missing) a good opportunity. The recent addition of the device mounted on a Manfroto clamp has gone a long way but you know it is not enough. I would recommend that you try out Wimberly (or similar) and its placing (as you need to have a frame/structure on the Vehicle at the right place near the individual seat which will take care of his being able to take picture in most directions. With DSLR being able to take a movie (and there are many opportunities and possibilities) (and a steady hand is not possible for movie) a good tripod head like Wimberly will add greatly to the satisfaction of a Photographer. I do hope you will invest in time and money to give better value for money to the Photographer/ your guests.
Best regards/ Kunj

Hi Kunj,
Many thanks for the comment, it was great to see you a few weeks back and I hope that you captured many fantastic images during your stay.
Thank you for the suggestion of the Wimberly arms, it is a great idea and certainly one that we have already implemented on the Specialised Photographic safari. We mount the Wimberly arm on a micheala bracket which allows for steady photography as well as DLSR videography. If you look at the first image in the above post, you will see the two photographers on the right using the Wimberly arm and micheala bracket with their mounted cameras.

Thanks again for the comments,
Best regards,

Senior Digital Ranger

That was fantastic, especially to meet all the great blog writers who put all the stunning images together, on a daily/weekly basis. I’ve been away for a week & saw all the mails coming in & thought, wow what an exciting time I am going to have “watching” all your expertise! Thank you to you all for always keeping me in the bush from home 🙂

OMG – I love this! I’m going to get my husband into this, he will love the idea of a photographer’s experience!

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