About the Author

James Tyrrell


James had hardly touched a camera when he came to Londolozi, but his writing skills that complemented his Honours degree in Zoology meant that he was quickly snapped up by the Londolozi blog team. An environment rich in photographers helped him develop the ...

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on Bush F.O.M.O.

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Brilliant! Unfortunately this piece will do nothing but make Stompie’s affliction worse!

Unfortunately my addiction to this blog and our constant scheming to return again and again doesn’t help the affliction. We feel your pain – from far far away.

I know the feeling all to well JT… and you just had to throw in that final picture to drive the point home!

Matt Evans

Cracker JT. I was thinking about Stomps the Honey Badger while reading this.. enjoyed the ending as a result. I am prone too, the only thing that helped me get over the mention of Wagon Wheel was the picture of my 4 brothers at the end!

Jen Sawicky

From the fabulous pictures that grace the blog posts each week, it would appear to an outsider that you don’t miss out on too much 🙂

I will continue hoping and dreaming I can make it back sometime soon…because right now it is not a fear of missing out, but the sad realization that I am indeed missing out. Heavy Sigh.

Brilliant! Yes, FOMO is a terrible mind virus that cannot be cured. And Londolozi FOMO is probably the most virulent strain out there! And that final picture—wow.

How do you think the rest of us feel every single day that we’re away from that place??? Counting the days until return. . .

I couldn’t agree more and feel this every day when I read your blog while sitting at my corporate desk job…..longing for the day I return to my beloved Africa!

You just scratched my FOMO and now it’s itching wildly.


James ,all you have to remember that you are one of the privileged few who have the pleasure of suffering from this rarest of diseases .Cindy wherever she is echoes this.Long may it be incurable. !enjoy the symptoms and don’t fight them let alone try and treat them .regards Pete

The worst FOMO is being back in the states..but having comfort knowing I will be returning for the third time. Love the topic- love the writing and most of all love that last shot!
Nicely done!

James…having worked with you for a while now…you are always in the right place at the right time…let it flow…


Classic JT… Altough there is a cure to the fear… Move to jhb, and you no longer have the fear, because now it is a knowing… FAR Worse!

Particularly enjoyed the mention Byron got, although I did have to read it twice, as you mentioned “good joke” and Byron in the same sentence…


I can imagine you would have done a double take seeing ‘good joke’ and Byron so close together, unless they were one and the same…
If he was being funny it would have been a purely hypothetical scenario…
Jokes b-dog.

tidi modise

My bush FOMO is at an all time high

I felt IFMO…i freak’in missed out…yet the pictures are so amazing makes me feel back there.
Keep posting these amazing photos and stories!!


Thanks James for a well written and humorous post. Yet it is so true, it is right up there with khaki fever that afflicts some people. I also suffered from FOMO alot when I was there, which explains the racing from one sighting to the next. haha.

Well James, you are such a complainer…What do you think, us city slickers suffer from? Especially those of us who have been in Londolozi…What kind of FOMO is that?
Glad I now I have the name of the disease and can ask my doctor here in Paris do something about it; augmenting my travel resistance and giving my grandchildren growth hormones : I promised them to take them to Londolozi when 10 and the oldest is only 6…
FOMO’ing for a while then…and your pictures help only to increase the symptoms….
I should lower the age barrier for my grandchildren! 🙂
Love your pics and your FOMO.


Dinner under the stars at a Londolozi BOMA is magical! The ambience takes your breath away and the food is amazing, as is everything at Londolozi! Well written and photographed, James. Hi to Georgia and the wonderful staff at Varty camp!

John O'Brien

James, VERY well written. Really enjoy reading it and I really enjoyed seeing our room in the Varty Camp picture with the male lions… sniffle, sniffle. Actually, and truth be told, I didn’t enjoy the picture as it brought me serious FOMO recall. Again, nice write-up and pix. Hope to see you again soon.

Senior Digital Ranger

Oh JT – you were certainly in the right place at the right time with that last pic!!! Please as Gavin says, come to Jhb and you will have the fear of the traffic that Londolozi just doesn’t have, unless your roads are “littered” with Leopards, Lions & Dogs then there is not need of worrying about FOMO!!! As I’ve said before, your blogs keep us “city bound” people glued to our PC’s

Thanks again & keep em coming!! 🙂

If you think YOU have F.O.M.O. just being in your office and/or quarters, James, imagine what it feels like being here in the San Francisco area!! Sooo far away! That’s why I am an avid blog-follower: while it slightly elevates my F.O.M.O., the photos and stories help to smooth out the rough times and help me imagine being there every day! Keep it coming – don’t stop 🙂 !!


What an experience to just read and enjoy all these experiences.Please do some more of these fascinating stories

This is Brilliant JT, absolutely loved it…

Finally, a name for my affliction. FOMO
Each day, I wonder what is happening as the vehicles pull out of the camps. What wondrous things they will see?
The blog posts weekly keep me from a complete melt down. Londolozi is just so far away from Santa Cruz CA that it is unrealistic to try and overcome my FOMO. Though I must admit that this a.m. while cataloging photos from last month, I kept wondering what a house in Kate’s complex in Hazy View would cost, what good works might there be for me to do, and how much of the year I could spend there. As much as Fred loves it, not sure he is ready for major move.
Thank you for the final shot, makes me feel like I’m not missing out!

Sandy Johnson

At least you live there James, and if you miss it one day, you will get it the next. When you only have four days at Londolozi to see it all – that’s FOMO! Love your story.

Graeme "Stompi" Marais

Well the fact that I am only getting to this blog a week later – explains the water that I drown in, in my new life in the city. Perhaps it is the desperate denial or maybe a defensive barrier I have formed to protect me from things that MAY be better in the bush.

JT a brilliant article that wonderfully explains this critical affliction. Everything you mentioned is so true. I honestly miss the place, the sightings and the great friends, I even miss Byrons unfunny jokes.

Honoured to be the biggest FOMO sufferer you know.

The honour is mine, Stomps!

Senior Digital Ranger

FOMO! I now know what is ailing me after returning from my second glorious visit to Londolozi. Looks like I am in wonderful company.

Found this post while exploring the ‘archives’ and I loved it! I suffer from severe FOMO, particularly on the sighting front and also ‘holiday FOMO’ when my friends go on incredible trips and see wildlife like African skimmers, pels fishing owl, 7 rhinos at a waterhole or wild dogs next to the car!
This blog also gives me FOMO, because I read about these incredible leopard, wild dog and bird sightings, which reminds me that I haven’t even been to the bush in 2 years!!! But it gives me incentive to visit Londolozi at some point (when I manage to earn enough money)!!

This is for real! uugh, lol

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