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Adam Bannister


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on Wildebeest attacked by Crocodile…and survives…

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Leon Marais

Great write up Adam, and what an epic sighting. Reminds me of the 45-minute battle between Samson the camp warthog at Idube and a Lioness, the most epic sighing of my guiding career thus far. Moments like these are never forgotten.

Adam and very well written story, it is very sad and yet… I am blown away! thank you…


I will never look at a wildebeest in the same way again. Adam & JT the video and images are painful and amazing. Adam you honor what you saw in her with your story. Thank you!

cindy tyrrell

This must have been more than somewhat hard to watch esp. with the length of time it carried on for……brilliant pictures guys, plus excellent video and writing of the event.
Huge respect for the amazing tenacity of the wilderbeest, who as you said, despite loosing his life…won that epic battle.

Warren Pearson

Fantastic pics and story guys. Thanks for sharing. It truly is amazing how much animals can endure.


So sad that although the wildebeast escape the crocodile, he didn’t make it. R.I.P. wildebeast. Thank you for the exclusive pictures.

Lisa Otten

Out of this world. What astounds me is how quiet the whole struggle was…the only sounds that could be heard were from the onlooking hippo’s and birds, quite eery! That’s something that will stay on the minds of all who witnessed it i’m sure!


I do not know what to say, amazing photography, what strength she had, and a will to live, poor girl

Simon Bellingham - Indri Ultimare Wil...

We all know crocodiles eat animals but unless you have been to the Maasi Mara and watched the wildebeest crossing the Mara river during migration, there is a good chance that you have never witnessed them catch a thing – snappity snap and it is all over!

What a sighting – thanks for sharing it with us Londolozi fans!

I have seen them crossing the Mara river!!! that is something else!!!!I love the Wilde and the calves are so adorable!!!!

Amazing stuff ,thanks for sharing wish i was there !


she was dead, 🙁

Amazing what you captured in pictures and words- Survival -the will to live even if for just the day-she won the battle. I don’t know if I can watch it again, but I most certainly will read your beautifully description of her fight for life again. Thanks for sharing


Ugh, I am tearing up. The courage of that beast and what she endured only to succumb to her injuries. A beautiful write up, thanks so much for sharing! I would give anything to be waking up tomorrow morning at Londolozi and going on a game drive.


A wonderful tribute to the wildebeest cow, her tenacity and strength in the face of all odds and in a *territory* not her own – the water. The spirit and fortitude displayed is amazing – it shows us that *in the face of all odds do not give up*.
Beautifully written Adam. Thank you for sharing it.

Evette Hartig

Please pass the tissue, great story, horrible ending. I was hoping to hear there was a three legged Wildebeest who fought a great battle, overcame her disabilities and went on to lead a normal life. Nature can be so beautiful yet so cruel.

Philip AmbrowsDavidh

Fantastic footage. Post it on Latest Sightings as well.

Unbelievable to watch. A truly amazing fight. I am so happy the wildebeest won the fight, even though it still meant the end. Beautifully written… as always!

Louise Taback

What a fighter and courage…Wow amazing! Thank you guys for sharing!!

Thais Racy

Amazing!!! Thanks for sharing!

John Holley


Courtney McGuigan

Her shaking exit from the water with that dangling, mangled leg had me in tears. Poor thing! Not sure I will ever get that image out of my mind. I cant imagine how emotional it was to see live. One can only hope she was in shock and couldn’t feel the extent of the injury. Thank you for documenting this scene of how brutal life in the bush and how strong the will to survive can be. See you guys in Jan!

Forever young

So, must the tearful croc sleep with a hungry stomach?This story is so sad. Crocs got to eat too.

Karen Goodenow

Amazing!!! Thanks for sharing. It brought wonderful memories back of Londalozi!

Frank watts

Great photography and narrative .A slice of nature at which Londolozi excels .

Colin Hall

Absolutely extraordinary…the event, the courage and determination, the filming and the narrative. It wins my wild life Oscar! Colin

Susan M

Stunning. Thank you for writing about this powerful force in such a powerful way.

Alvin Unger

It’s interesting how quick we are topick sides. Why is the croc the villain?

No animal is the villian Alvin, they are all just wild animals existing in nature, however with emotional sightings such as this it is easy to feel empathy towards an animal which is suffering and hence anthropomorphize the situation by picking a side.
Thanks for your thoughts and comments, rich

Claire and Paul

Thank you Adam, just watched the video with my son…. we are in awe of the Wildebeest. As I do every day since I came home in April I wish I was back in Londolozi. My facebook picture currently shows you and Solly preparing our morning drinks… mine of course the Solomon’s Special… hot chocolate and Amarula… special times.

Claire and Paul its perhaps time for a trip back to Londolozi!


Very well written. Many thanks for sharing this amazing story. Warm wishes from India


It’s very possible. I’m not exactly sure. It could’ve yeah. Just add it in w/the broken leg, exhaustion, and blood loss.



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