About the Author

Alistair Smith

Guest contributor

Alistair guided at Londolozi from late 2016 to late 2017. Despite only a short stint here, he made a great impression on the guests he drove and formed a great bond with tracker Euce Madonsela. His photography is excellent, and is a passion ...

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on 10 Best Tips for Wildlife Photography

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All the basics, but sometimes too easy to forget. For many guests on a game drive, the safari is a once in a lifetime experience. Sometimes putting the camera down and just drinking in the animals and landscape with your eyes can make for lasting memories.

Nereda Leary

Thanks for that information, we are going on safari soon so will keep it in mind.


These are some very cool pictures. I liked your point about being eye level and hope to try it soon.

Master Tracker

8,9 &10 are so important. It pays to get as low down as possible and always look for the animals eyes in the same way you would with a human portrait. The sad thing is that leopards really don’t understand when you ask them to look this way. Sadly I think Alistair has missed one of the golden rules for wildlife photography -always make sure you have a fully charged second battery at hand.

So true Ian. A fully charged battery and a spare memory card 🙂 Great blog Al!

Great tips Alistair — thank you for an informative blog with lots of good advice!

Really informative article. Spending some time with subject and understanding their behaviour is what i found very important for getting a good shot.
Thanks & Regards
Govind Vijayakumar

great Article!keep on inspiring.Thank you
chandankumar B S

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