Welcome to our 7-day mindfulness challenge!
We invite you to sign up at the bottom of this page.
This is a gift from nature, an inward safari and a pathway to calm clarity. Why a challenge? Because these are the things that have connected us to each other and we wanted to offer this experience to you, our global Londolozi family. Why mindfulness? Because staying mindful and finding stillness is a way to stay present, seek inner refuge and is a chance to take a breath, to pause and to reflect. In these difficult times we hope you feel supported in a small way by us, your African family.
We encourage the Londolozi Global Family to explore this challenge which has been put together with beginners, animal lovers and safari adventurers in mind and designed to be easy and step-by-step. These short meditations and the accompanying reflective work should be approached with a sense of ease and playful open-mindedness, each day will take no more than 30 minutes to complete, and can be done anywhere at your own pace and time.
What to expect on this 7-day challenge
Day 1: Introduction (How to Begin)
Day 2: Speak Your Truth
Day 3: Returning to Breath
Day 4: Finding the River
Day 5: Animal Wisdom
Day 6: The Nature of Joy
Day 7: Letting the Body Speak
Each day for 7 days you will receive an email in your inbox with a new set of mindfulness tools to use on this challenge. The types of tools will remain constant throughout, but the content will move and flow as you navigate your own inward safari. Here are some ideas of the tools you will experience:
- A short visualisation meditation recording to build your meditative practice and to connect you back to nature, and your true nature, each day
- A journaling exercise for self-reflection
- Wisdom from the animal kingdom by way of an animal oracle card (words kindly borrowed from Chip Richards)
- A free-printable quote to share with those who may need it or to keep for yourself
There is no right or wrong way to go about this challenge. Engage all of your senses by reading, listening and feeling into each day, and see where the journey takes you. It’s with great excitement that we invite you to join us, on the first of its kind, Londolozi’s 7 Day Mindfulness Inward Safari.
Sign Up Now, we will see you there…
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