A Sommelier’s Favourite Tool
We all know the Swiss Army knife as a trusty pocket tool containing various useful tools – depending on the model – such as a knife blade, nail file, saw, …
We all know the Swiss Army knife as a trusty pocket tool containing various useful tools – depending on the model – such as a knife blade, nail file, saw, …
As each New Year rings in, resolutions are made; some are kept, most are probably broken. Whether it’s to lose a few kilograms, improve fitness levels, abstain from alcohol for …
The gentle shift from winter to summer is briefly intercepted with a few short days of spring here at Londolozi. While we have enjoyed only one short rain shower lately, …
The day finally came round; a trip conceptualized a year ago. Helen (Founders Camp manager) and I departed for France. A trip with a mission, an itinerary set, and appointments …
“What is your favourite wine?” – a question I am often asked, and always reluctant to answer as I am a firm believer that all varietals and styles of wine …
“Pinotage is the juice extracted from women’s tongues and lion’s hearts. After having a sufficient quantity one can talk forever and fight the devil.” – written anonymously on the wall …