Jessica Maclarty

Head of Village

Jess’ history at Londolozi has seen her undergo many transformations before she landed in her present role as Head of Londolozi's Village.
She arrived in 2007 to take over the children’s program, but ultimately decided that it was out in the bush itself that her heart truly lay, and she joined the ranger training course at the start 0f 2009. Cutting her teeth in the guide team for the next 5 years, Jess matured into one of Londolozi’s top rangers, before again redefining herself, pursuing her newly awoken passion for social development and heading up the curatorship of Londolozi staff welfare.
In her own words, if she could have scripted the perfect job for herself at Londolozi, it is the one she is currently doing, and the happiness with which she greets every day and its challenges emanates almost visibly from her.


Stories by Jessica

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