Involved Leopards

Makhotini 3:3 Male

Makhotini 3:3 Male

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Anderson 4:4 Male

Anderson 4:4 Male

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About the Author

James Tyrrell


James had hardly touched a camera when he came to Londolozi, but his writing skills that complemented his Honours degree in Zoology meant that he was quickly snapped up by the Londolozi blog team. An environment rich in photographers helped him develop the ...

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on Just How Dangerous are Warthogs?

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Master Tracker

And warthog piglets are among the most delightful creatures on any game drive…

Great piece

Incredibly close warthog sightings at breakfast at the Victoria Falls Hotel on our first visit to Africa.

Senior Digital Ranger

Yeah, the warthogs practically hang out in the lobby of the Victoria Falls Safari Lodge (apparently they aren’t aware that they are on the menu of the hote’s restaurant : )

We saw a male leopard kill a warthog in Kruger a few years ago. It got hold of the stomach and rib cage and probably bit through it into the organs. The leopard knew that it was dangerous to go close to the head becausebof the tusks. It might have had a bad encounter before.

The life of a male leopard can be brutal, given the injuries the Anderson male has incurred in just the recent past! What a tough guy!

Hi James. I didn’t realize that the LOWER set of tusks were the really dangerous ones. Hadn’t thought about it. However you are quite right. They look lethal! Wendy M

P.S. Further to the response below – I feel I just have to add that we were on private game reserve at one time and we had a bunch of tourists who insisted on calling the Warthogs “Bonzai Buffaloes”. The rangers spent ages trying to explain there were no such animals as “Bonzai Buffaloes” and tried to point out the difference while looking at real buffaloes, but, sadly, had no joy. Eventually the rangers gave up and told this particular set of tourists “Over there are some more “Bonzai Buffaloes” for you.” The tourists were absolutely delighted and took a great number of pics ….. Has something like this ever happened to you chaps? Wendy M

Haha Wendy we may have had stuff like this happen.

Our biggest difficulty is getting people to not call African buffaloes, “Water Buffalo”. Water buffalo are only found in Asia.
Nothing quite as extravagant as Bonzai buffaloes for warthogs, thankfully.

Senior Digital Ranger

I think James is just being polite Wendy. I would imagine an African safari guide has just about heard it all after a couple years ferrying tourists around game reserves. There’s a hilarious book written by a safari guide called “Whatever You Do, Don’t Run” on this very topic.

I’ve witnessed a few warthog kills by lions, and I can well believe that a leopard would have to be very intrepid to tackle a boar! Those tusks are there for a reason! The photo of the sounder is amazing—I’ve only once seen such little ones, in Chobe.

Extremely interesting, James with extraordinary images. I was unaware that the warthog had two rows of tusks. That they are razor sharp is confirmed by the excellent video. What a gaping flesh wound! Hope it heals with no infection! In this case the meal wasn’t worth the injury.

The shot of the Tu-Tones male and Marthly male both trying to take the warthog is pretty unusual isn’t it … that is, two males working together? I guess two female leopards working together, unless it’s mother and daughter, would be equally unusual, right? I guess I mean, isn’t it unusual for any two leopards to work together that aren’t related, not like lions or wild dogs or even cheetah.

Yes, it’s a sensational photo!
The Tu-Tones male had grabbed the warthog and the Marthly male heard its squeals and came to investigate.
His priority was securing the meal rather than attacking his adversary. Although it appears as though they were working together, I think the reality is that they were each simply trying to serve their own ends and it ended up looking like cooperation. It may have even helped, but I doubt that was the leopards’ intentions.

James, my son-in-law favorite animal is a warthog😋

I hope his injuries heal quickly and don’t become infected. Yikes!

This was really informative James as I hadn’t realized the boars had those two sets of tusks. It’s understandable if leopards and lions are hesitant to tackle such a formidable beast, considering the risk of deadly injuries – not worth the meal! I love watching the little piglets, tails in air cruising alongside their mother. While in the Moremi, there seemed to be a resident sow with 4 piglets zipping through the camp site. Better entertainment than HBO!!

I’m still shcoked that that one warthog kill created an interaction between 3 male leopards, which is practically unheard of (except maybe in Jawai)!!!!

James, Great story and boy did the Anderson male take a big hit. I think we have seen leopards with puncture wounds. So great to remeber the Tu-Tones and Marthly males working together. I’m sure that is pretty rare, but probably necessary with such a larger warthog!

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