About the Author

Amy Attenborough


Amy worked at Londolozi from 2014 to 2017, guiding full time before moving into the media department, where her photographic and story-telling skills shone through. Her deep love of all things wild and her spiritual connection to Africa set her writing and guiding ...

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on The Buffalo Kill That Took Seven Years

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I too always thought I would like to witness this – having seen buffalo taking out young lion cubs in Kenya – but that is an agonising way for that buffalo to succumb to the lions. Glad you didn’t show any more footage! Did the lions not go for the strangle hold because they knew the buffalo was too weak to defend herself?

Hi Gillian. Yes I think this was the case exactly. They knew they could begin feeding and even have the cubs close by without too much danger. The buffalo did make a valiant effort though and nearly managed to stand on a few occasions but I think the throat grip would have been far more crucial had the buffalo been in better condition!

Breaks your heart…

Kristine Dong

Wow, I oddly needed this today after our election. It helped in some sick way. Thank you.

As beautifully and sensitively told as could be for this intense story.

Thank you Jeff!

Wendy MacNicol

I agree. It is heartrending. People say to me “Get over it. It is the way of the Bush.” I understand that. However, I don’t have to watch the agony. Who wants to see any creature or human suffer? People die from cancer. Our daughter did a few years ago. I HAD to watch this because we were there every day helping because she died at home. There are no words to express what we saw and witnessed. I love watching wild life in the Bush. However kills are just NOT my scene. Wendy

Hi Wendy. I completely understand why you wouldn’t want to watch a kill even though you understand that it’s nature’s way when you relate what you’re seeing to the grief of losing your daughter. I’m so sorry for your loss. I do hope nature has brought you beauty, happiness and healing instead. All my best, Amy

Digital Ranger

Oh wow! Seven years in the making! I am happy (?) you finally witnessed this quintessential, action-packed African battle. I, also, realize how extremely lucky us WildEarth fans are, as while on SafariLive we have witnessed many buffalo kills over the past two years. Sometimes even the buffalo wins the battle & manages to live another day. It is a sight to behold. I love the stalk, the hunt, and even the battle to the ground. But, yes, the killing & dying part, the bellows of pain, are very difficult to witness, After the lionesses have suffocated the buffalo (ours usually go for the nose & drown it in its own blood, ugh), to me it is just meat, nourishment for the lions. We do have to keep perspective. You’ve got the first kill out of the way. I think they become a little easier after awhile. I’m hoping it is not another seven years until the next one.


One would need to be pretty insensitive not to be moved in some way or other. The kill is surely the pinnacle of the safari experience. I do wonder though whether the suffering is as intense as the visual spectacle or whether the animal goes into a state of shock where the pain levels are diminished to a more bearable level ?

Hi Tim. It really is so hard to say. You would certainly hope so though! I think what bothered me was the look in the buffalo’s eyes but I’m not sure how much actually pain she was feeling at the time. As little as possible I hope!

When we were at Londolozi in April we were very fortunate to have Jerry Hambana as our tracker. I asked him what he loved most about the bush and his answer was “the animals” and then I asked what he least liked about the bush. His answer was a lion/buffalo kill. The noise of the buffalo in extreme distress; the length of time it takes to kill the animal; the fact they start eating before the animal is dead and the cries of pain. He said he would never get used to it or find it easy to watch.

Very sad — not something I ever want to see.

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