on The Little Things in Life

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This is an AWESOME post!!! I absolutely LOVE the rock martins, what personality! Thank you for showing us the sweet, small things @ Londolozi and reminding us all to stop, and look ALL around!

Great post and great shot of the tree squirrel. rich

Matt Sutherland

Well done Mike Suth. Brilliant images and extremely well written piece. Really enjoyed this blog post. Keep up the brilliant work.

diane sutherland

wow, Mike, thanks for an amazing blog,,,, it is the small things in life that bring us happiness and joy

Blake Balcomb

Nice one! Good shots and very well written indeed. Keep up the good work!


Wonderful pics, All creatures great and small do indeed make up a perfect visit to the bush!

Rich Muller

Amazing pics Suthers!

Mike, Fantastic images! After spending the last four days experiencing Londolozi in your vehicle, We just want to say thank you for helping us enjoy some of the “little things in life”. Your knowledge and passion helped make our return visit one that we will never forget! Thanks!

Michael, Terri, Max and Mikayla Klauber

Doreen Dziepak

a BIG WOW ! thank you for the fantastic photos of the easily missed tiny wonders . . .
some of my favorite Londolozi moments (July 2011) were sightings of the small creatures that
create balance
oh so important in the scheme of things !

Carol Robinson

Beautiful, special, thank you for sharing x

Each so beautiful – and beautifully photographed! Thanks so much fr sharing your thoughts and your images!


Beautiful photographs!

John Wilson

Hi Mike, magic post and shots. One of the rangers at Umfolozi said, watch the small things and the big ones will follow. Hope to meet you in October.


Mike you continue to astound me both with your pics and your written word. I so enjoy reading your blog keep em rolling. You are doing a sterling job – so proud to know you


These beautiful pictures encapsulate the saying: ” small is beautiful”…..really amazing moments of beauty captured with great skill. It is all too often the small things in life and nature are overlooked …..and in doing so…….much magnificence is missed. Great pictures taken with great skill and an appreciation of the mintue of life. More please !

Best Tour Operator Tanzania

thanks for sharing nice informations here ,,, great work ,,,

Senior Digital Ranger

Thanks Mike, these pics are stunning! Yes I did a double take when I saw Cape Cobra – huh – “that’s not a usual” in your turf 🙂 Well done!
I think the usual “people” forget that the little things are beautiful in their own way, so thanks a ton. Write up excellent too!

Nelson Lees

Mike – Superb photos to go with a fine article, covering the “hidden treasures” of Londolozi. Thanks to you and Like (who has the visual acuity of a Martial Eagle), we experienced the joy of an up close and personal look at “Le Cameleon” hidden in a leafy tree, pitch black conditions, on our way back to Tree Camp. Yes, the high-profile game viewing is second-to-none, but the fact that you were equally excited when you came across a solo Rock Martin sitting in the road at dusk, was not lost on Anna, Jess, Sheila or me. We can’t wait for “Londolozi Part Deux” sometime in the not-too-distant future. Cheers mate!

Nelson Lees

Mike – Superb photos to go with a fine article, covering the “hidden treasures” of Londolozi. Thanks to you and Like (who has the visual acuity of a Martial Eagle), we experienced the joy of an up close and personal look at “Le Cameleon” hidden in a leafy tree, pitch black conditions, on our way back to Tree Camp. Cheers mate!

Derek Evans

I can only endorse all the comments, Sometimes people only think of the Big 5 it’s good to see the other but very important side of a Safari. What about one of a Blue Waxbill – save a flock one for us in January.

Safari Tour Operators

Love the information you shared here.

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