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Keagan Chasenski

Guest contributor

Keagan has always had a connection with wildlife, having been lucky enough to visit Londolozi as a child. After growing up in Johannesburg, he attended boarding school in the KwaZulu Natal Midlands where weekends were spent exploring the reserve and appreciating his surroundings. ...

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on The Week In Pictures #687

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Truely a diverse range of photo – everyone exquisite. But the Bateleur & Snake eagle was beautifully captured!

Great variety of subjects this week, and so many shots with stunning light. I love all the birds and the rhino.

Hi Keagan, Beautiful photos! Artistic!
My favourites were the Vervet Monkey, the little hyena (I love them they are so misunderstood!), the Zinkhora female sleeping and the Hammerkop…
Difficult to choose as they all were very good!
Thank you for The Week In Pictures!

Amazing pictures as usual. So hard to choose. Vervet Monkey alway fun watching their antics. Cheetah pictures and the Chameleons.

Senior Digital Ranger

An amazing selection of unique photos. Love them all but the leopard sleeping is my favourite.
Thank you

Lots of fabulous shots, Keagan – and some very unusual ones, eg rhino bull head-on and croc mobile on land. But my favourite shot this week is of my favourite leopard Ndzanzeni in the mahogany tree. Thank you!

Master Tracker

Superb photos – as always

Love the shot of the bull elephant

Mesmerising! I love all pictures. Of course I’m a huge cat fan, so to see all those wonders as the Nkoveni male, the Ntomi malethe Three Rivers females, the Ndzanzeni female and the Xinkova plus the delicate cheetah and the powerful lions is superb but my hit have been the butterfly- never seen it before, I love macro pictures and she’s over the top! And the bateleur eagle, it gave a shiver. The crocodile has fantastic colours, the elephant bull and the chameleon made me smile. The rhino is great too. The giraffe particular is so much appreciated the monkey looks sweet and as my favourite among canids are small species I love foxes, the jackal looks very pretty. Great the closing up with the extremely elegant, delicately beautiful cheetah

So happy to see the Ntomi male! Love the love between the lioness’ as well and the young ellie being tough. Great colors again this week 🙂

Dear Keagan, what an impressive TWIP-great. It is not easy to say which is a favorite, they are all very special. Love The ostrich and the bateleur eagle- and the relaxed Xinkhova in the tree., must be a great week

Hi Keagan, what a stunning selection of photos this week. I am a glad to see the Ntomi male leopard again. He has surely grown up so fast and he is a stunning male leopard. Nkoveni is one of my favorite females and her son is becoming such a stunning leopard. Three Rivers female leopard and her cub are also very special. I am pleased to hear Londolozi has had good rains, which will certainly benefit the bush and animals alike. Here on the Reserve at Kranspoort, we have very little rain this year and the heat is terrible.

A wonderful collection of photos, Keagan.
I Love all of them.

Another great collection of course, but that Bateleur Eagle – WOW!!!

Keagan, I really like elephants and enjoyed the pictures, especially the one in the mud. However, my favorite this week is the shot of the Bateleur soaing. Great shot, thanks for sharing.

Your selection of photos for Friday’s TWIP is truly a celebration of summer sightings. It’s wonderful to see how the juvenile cubs of Nkoveni and Three Rivers are growing and thriving, a testament to their experienced mothers’ ability to teach their youngsters about how to survive, even though there can be casualties as was the case for the young female of Nkoveni. I particularly like detailed photos and aim to capture them as often as I can. I commend you on your elephant and crocodile closeups as you used the light to your advantage. Other favorites were the cheetah cubs, the dark blue pansy and the white rhino closeup in his mud bath. It’s always difficult to select favorites when one is given the choice of so many special images, but these few spoke to me immediately.

An amazing week! I love them all…
The leopard draped in the tree… gorgeous
And the Xinkhova male sound asleep…
the 3 cheetahs, the elephants made me laugh
The colors, the dramatic skies… I could go on for ever!!!! Just beautiful work… thank you for sharing

Loved the Naomi male photo. I’ve been lucky enough to be with Ray a few times when he pulled off one of his incredible spots!

The Blue pansy was the first one that caught my eye. I’d also like to add the Vervet monkey, the vulnerable-looking Hyena cub, the Hammerkop and the lovely chameleons… The smooth light illuminates the front legs and ears of the black-backed jackal, making it stunning. The sunset on the runway is truly amazing too, with a moody sky.

Keagan your photos are fantastic reminders of past trips. It’s wonderful to see the three cheetah cubs have survived and grown so much since last September. Thanks for sharing your week.

The Bateleur and Ntomi Male Leopard were my choice

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