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Sean Zeederberg

Blog Editor

As a young boy growing up on an agricultural farm in Zimbabwe, Sean spent every opportunity entertaining himself outdoors, camping in the local nature reserve and learning about all facets of the natural world. After completing a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental ...

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on Golden Hour Magic: Playful Leopard Cubs and Stunning Bee-eaters- Virtual Safari #235

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What a Sunday treat you’ve served up for us, Sean! – thank you. I’m so hoping to see Nkoveni and her cubs when I come back to Founders in early November. (Oh, and is the new leopard ID kit ready?)

You are welcome, I am glad you enjoyed it. I hope that you get to see them when you are here. (I have done a brief update on the ID kit)

Senior Digital Ranger

I could watch the Nkoveni female cubs play all day. Thank you for the fabulous footage Sean.

They are just the best to sit and watch.

It’s a magical sightning and I hope it will last. They are spectacular and special leopards. The Nkoveni Female is so powerful but at the same time she has her own kind of grace. The birds are stunning, but I prefer the gees in the water

The Nkoveni Female is a graceful leopardess.

Dear Sean, thanks for this spectacular clip -nothing better than playing cubs, Nkoveni is a perfect mother.

Leopard cubs playing are amazing to watch.

Sean, great video . I really enjoyed seeing the white fronted bee eaters, they have a beautiful place to nest. The Nkoveni female is doing a wonderful job raising her cubs. I wish her continued success.

Thank you so much, William. The Bee-eater colony is a stunning place to be at sunset. I agree, the Nkoveni Female is doing a marvellous job of raising these two cubs.

Hi Sean, the White-fronted Bea-eaters are very active and their sounds that they make are beautiful. Such beautiful colours they have. Oh my favorite the Nkoveni female and her two cubs that are getting so big. I can really sit and watch them play all the time. She is an excellent mother and does have good reputation for raising her cubs to adulthood.

Just being at the bee-eater colony at that time of day is amazing, the sounds are beautiful, the colours in the afternoon light are magical and so it is a great place to be.
The Nkoveni Female is doing a really good job so far, long may it last.

Watching the White-fronted bee eaters during this golden light of late afternoon was the perfect prelude to the magical sighting of Nkoveni and her 2 rambunctious cubs. Seeing them chase the monkeys high up in the tree was comical given they had no chance of catching one of those feisty creatures. Once back on terra firma it became obvious that one cub is a darker gold and larger, presumably the male whilst the second cub is the mini me of Nkoveni. I’ve fingers crossed that these three will still be as entertaining a month from now when I’ll return once again – a bit battered but ready to go for some drives.

It was just a fabulous afternoon being out there. I hope they are still around when you are here and that you get to see them.

Thank you for another brilliant Virtual Safari Sean! The bee eaters were wonderful, and the footage of the Nkoveni female leopard and her cubs was really special. Besides the great film of them, the lighting was absolutely glorious! Sending the best of wishes to this amazing leopard as she raises her cubs to adulthood!

Thank you so much, Paul. It was such a special afternoon to be out and I guess the subjects just made my job that much easier and better.

Senior Digital Ranger

I enjoyed the video of bee-eaters. Such cool birds! Really beautiful! I remember going on a birdwatching holiday to Zimbabwe and seeing bee-eaters and a nesting Swinnerton’s robin. Thank you for the memories.

The Bee-eaters are beautiful birds. That must have been a great one to see, the Swynnerton’s Robin.

Sean, The bee-eaters are mesmerizing and that was such a cool sighting! It would be interesting to head back when they have young ones hatching! The Nkoveni family is a joy to watch!

It would be interesting to go and see if we could get a view of the youngsters around the nests. The Nkoveni Trio are always amazing to watch.

What a wonderful video,Sean. I love this bee-eater colonyand often wonder how thy can find their own hole among so many. The Nkoveni female and her cubs are also such a pleasure
to watch.

It is interesting that they know exactly which hole is their’s. I guess they spend so much time flying in and out that they have a detailed mental map of the riverbank.

The Mashaba Female may eventually leave behind just two daughters/cubs raised but both of them have done their mother’s lineage very proud, particularly the Nkoveni Female. If the Ndzanzeni Female (now 12) fails to rear any female cubs before her time concludes, the Mother Leopard’s line (traceable with certainty through the females) will cease to patrol any portion of Londolozi and the Sunsetbend Female’s lineage will make up the majority of your leopard viewing. Although I suppose the occasional visit from the Tortoise Pan Male would count as ML leopard on the reserve

I think it is the sad reality that, this is probably the legacy that both of those mothers may leave behind. I have hope that the Ndzanzeni Female might raise one more litter, but as for the Mashaba Female, I think the chances are very slim, albeit not impossible though.

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