About the Author

James Tyrrell


James had hardly touched a camera when he came to Londolozi, but his writing skills that complemented his Honours degree in Zoology meant that he was quickly snapped up by the Londolozi blog team. An environment rich in photographers helped him develop the ...

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on The Week in Pictures 65

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Lisa Otten

Amazing!! Well done JT!


Hey James, love your shot of the Sparta cub, its eyes are mesmerizing! Also really like your shot the impi running…I think because there are so many around Londoz they often get overlooked in favor of other mammals (common as muck m’ dear! he he!) , so it’s really great to see one so beautifully, and dynamically captured in a still. Impressive shots despite the weather!

Fabulous, as usual!! It’s awesome seeing the green grass.

The “Jackalberry Female” picture is fabulous how her long tail drapes down!!

Fantastic–can’t wait to see these beauties in 6 weeks.

Ginny Race

Great photo’s as always, love them

I love that you’ve named a leopard cub after a tree instead of a river or other land mass….she certainly looks comfortable and quite like she owns the place! 🙂

Great shots James!

The last I heard about the Tsalala female cub of the old bobtail lady was here. PLEASSE!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you know ANYTHING about that cub????? It is so important to know!!!! THANK-YOU!!!!

James T

Suzanne unfortunately it appears that the cub has been killed, as well as the young litter of the tailed lioness. Both the single cub and the litter disappeared around the same time last year.
The entire Majingilane coalition was hanging around the Manyelethi riverbed (where the cubs had been stashed) at the time, and there is a chance that it was the males themselves that killed the little ones…


So happy to see the young Piva male. I really hope he does well. Gorgeous pic of him.

Sandy Hahn Ghosh

Agree with Rae about the long tail drape but especially enjoy the playfulness of the Sparta cubs on the tree trunk. Nice pics!


wow – amazing photos. Heading to Londolozi in about 5 weeks and cannot wait!!!

Epic Pics JT… Looking forward to many more!

James you are my hero!

James T

I know

Ginny Race

James T are you talking about BB’s cub from last year

James T

Yes. It has not been seen for many months and must be presumed dead unfortunately.

Awesome shots,James,headed your way in 3 weeks !!


someone on FB told me the leopard in the last picture could be: It’s Mandla male, isn’t it. Father Sand River, mother Notten’s female.

James T

We think so Mika. His sibling from that litter was killed by the Tugwaan Male, also known as the Bicycle Crossing male…

James T

Although the Nottens female you are referring to is known as the Piva female by us. She is the daughter of the leopard that WE refer to as the Nottens female and was born in 1998.

Ginny Race

Its a shame about BB’s cub as it was the only cub in the pride at the time, one day they are there, one they are not, we always wonder what happened to the cub


Thank you very much for those wonderful pictures. I am also very upset about BB’s cub. It really hurts to hear that she isn’t anymore.


Nice video guys!, by the way i just watched a show called African Wild on Net Flix that was filmed on Londolozi in the begining you see one of the tailess lionesses and then 2 males laying in the grass, were those two a couple of the Majingilane? by the way the episode i watched that featured you guys was shot great and made me want to make reservations! thanx


Great shots James! Was with you when you took the shots of the Sparta cubs. Thx to you and Mike for an awesome experience! Hope to be back soon.

James T

Thanks Brad!
The cubs are all alive and well. We look forward to having you back here!


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