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Sean Zeederberg

Blog Editor

As a young boy growing up on an agricultural farm in Zimbabwe, Sean spent every opportunity entertaining himself outdoors, camping in the local nature reserve and learning about all facets of the natural world. After completing a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental ...

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on Power and Grace Of A Female Leopard- Virtual Safari #239

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Senior Digital Ranger

What a beautiful Leopard she is. Such power and strength.

She is a gorgeous leopard.

Ellies in the river, then Ximungwe hoisting a kill – what’s not to like! Thank you Sean.
I’ve been lucky enough to watch a leopard hoisting, and it was also Ximungwe! It was a much bigger carcass and we watched open-mouthed as she wrestled it up a near-vertical trunk. When she pulled it along a branch, the stomach fell out in front of us, and right next to Ntomi (who would have been about 9 months old then). He certainly looked surprised.
To me, leopards are like elite gymnasts, as they both make something incredibly difficult look graceful and effortless.

It is so impressive to see how “easy” they make it look when they hoist a carcass. That must have been an awesome sighting to be there to witness.

Was it the Ximungwe Female who was resting in the bushes near the Tree and Varty camp exits, two weeks ago? We so hoped she would move while we waited. Alas, she didn’t.

That was the Nhlanguleni Female that was in camp. She eventually moved away but it was only much later on.

Hi Sean, elephants are always welcome and such an almost spiritual experience… but leopards are my gods, like ancient Etruscans and Egyptians. I’m happy to see the Ximungwe female, she’s such a lady, is there any hope for cubs? She wasn’t extremely successful i think to remember… not like Nkoveni. And she’s a magnificent hunter – poor impala nonetheless. Leopards are the ultimate hunters: in a very short time the prey is dead. As quick and effective as big birds of prey. Thank you

The Ximungwe Female is a great huntress. We do think that she could be pregnant now but will have to wait for her to show a bit more for us to be sure.

Thank you so much for your very interesting and informative information on the animals and plants. I haven’t miss a day of reading and watching your blog since we joined you for the met amazing safari experience in June 2023. I have used information from your blog to make presentations in classes. People were very fascinated with the idea elephants communicating.
‘See’ you tomorrow.

I am so glad that you thoroughly enjoy the blog and all the information that we provide. We love sharing everything that this amazing piece of wilderness has to offer. Travel safely and hopefully I get to see you while you are here.

Great video Sean. I like the elephants, they are so entertaining, especially the young ones.

Elephants are entertaining, especially seeing them around water.

Hi Sean, it was fantastic to see the Ximungwe female again. She was very quiet after loosing her cubs, but know she is back again. What brutal force to drag that carcass so far and then immediately hoist it in a marula tree very high up. Stunning footage of the Ximungwe female and the gentle giants drinking water. Love the elephants as well.

To see the power of a leopard is incredible and so this sighting was fantastic to be able to see.

Dear Sean, so nice , to see Ximungwe again in a good healthy. Hope she has cubs again.

I hope she has some cubs again soon.

What a great video about the Ximungwe Female, Sean. Good to know that she is fine and allowed you to see her for such a long time.

Thank you so much, Christa. It was a great time spent with her.

Fantastic video this week Sean! The elephants in Finfoot crossing were the warm-up to the star of this week, Ximungwe female. She looks so healthy, with a big belly, evidence of her enjoying her meal prior to hoisting it in the tree. Now that I’m here I hope to see her or any of the other stars that might grace our day. It still baffles me how strong leopard’s jaws are in order to hoist their kill.

I am glad you enjoyed the video. I hope you see her while you are here.

I would have loved to be in her mind as she made these decisions. Good thing she didn’t encounter any other predators while she was contemplating in which tree to stash it.

I always wonder what is going on in their minds with these situations, what makes her choose to walk straight past some trees and then eventually choose another.

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