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Dan Hirschowitz


Dan developed his love for the African bush whilst growing up on a family run farm in the Kwa-Zulu Natal midlands. Growing up in the bushveld he was surrounded by wildlife and finds his passion in what nature has to offer. After completing ...

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on A Hive Of Activity Around A Hippo Carcass- Hyenas, Vultures and A Lioness

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The vulture photo was my favorite of TWIP. Seeing the other one is just as amazing as the first. Both should be entered into some contest!! Bound to win. Again great photo’s Dan.

Dan, really liked the silhouette photo of the vultures in the leadwood tree. Thanks for sharing it again.

Great photos, Dan. And lots of competition going on round that carcass.

It is sad to see such a huge animal being killed by one of its own. But the circle of life must proceed. One’s death is another one’s meal, and as you say Dan it is a good meal to feed the vultures and their chick’s, hyenas and their cubs.

Terrific photos and update to the hippo carcass report, this time focusing on the other scavengers that benefited from its death. One of my favorite images is that of the Ntsevu female chasing off the vultures in addition to the flashing teeth of the hyena as it tries to chase off the vultures. Your blog further punctuates the fact that a life lost in the wild, however it occurs, sustains the lives of many others. It’s sad but necessary to the circle of life.

Senior Digital Ranger

I love the second shot of the vultures in this post. There’s one vulture in the light, the sign of Life, and there’s a massing horde of vultures in the darkness, the forces of Death. Or Death’s cleanup crew, anyway! It encapsulates what you’ve also expressed in the story, Dan. On a side note, I recall a hippo carcass at the dam outside Lower Sabie … the stench when the wind turned in your direction was quite probably the worst smell I’ve ever experienced!

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