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Kelsey Clark

Guest contributor

Kelsey has many fond memories of family bush and camping trips across South Africa when she was growing up and for her, this sparked a growing love for the wilderness and opportunities to seek new adventures. Although she studied BComm Financial Management and ...

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on How Old is That Crocodile?

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I love watching them at the causeway, when they just wait for their prey to come to them. Fascinating to observe them from a safe distance! – I guess Boyd will always have those scars to remind him.

Agreed, the Causeway is such a great spot to watch them! 🙂

Kelsey, thank you for your insights. Crocodiles are really fascinating creatures. I guess that feeling comes from their ability to survive over time as we humans may or may not.

Pleasure William, they truly are so fascinating!

Great article – thank you – especially interesting to me is why the crocodile shows so little evidence of aging. What finally kills an old croc?

My pleasure Lyndall. Eventually, crocodiles are most likely to die from starvation or injury.

Very interesting Kelsy to be able to determine the age of these age old predators. They scare the living day lights out of me and I have great respect for them at a very far distance.

Always good to have a healthy respect for them Valmai 🙂

Crocodiles are fascinating creatures, seemingly very relaxed while lying in the sun or submerged. It was interesting to read that the males are quite active during the spring/summer months when trying to attract females for mating, so perhaps during my visit coming up this spring, I’ll be able to see some croc action rather than them just laying in wait for something edible at the causeway.

I hope you do see some action Denise! See you soon 🙂

Dear Kelsey, thanks for that informations, learning a lot with such good description. And great pics.

My pleasure Jutta, glad you enjoyed the blog!

Thank you, Kelsey, for this fantastic article on crocodiles.
They are fascinating animals, though not really my favorite ones.

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