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Jess Shillaw

Guest contributor

Jess was born in Kwazulu/Natal but grew up in Cape Town. Having an innate love for all things wild but getting to spend little time in the bush while growing up, she headed straight for the Lowveld after school. She completed a guiding ...

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on Why Do Hippos Fight?

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Amazing, how these hippos are fighting.
Great photos and video, Jess.
Compared to other regions where there are about 40 – 50 or more hippos surviving the dry season in very little water, actually more stinking mud than water (e.g. Tansania, Botswana) there seems to be quite a lot of water left in the Sand River. Maybe that lends them enough energy to fight over that water.

Amazing video of the hippo encounter. The fight for survival is always intense and to the victor go the spoils. Thanks for sharing Jess.

Hi Jess, yes it’s dramatic and violence and aggressiveness at their peak, both are forced to face each other and if none of them gets back, the clash starts…. I can imagine you shudder at hearing those tearing sounds! I think it’s rare to find an animal that beats hippo in this titanic clashes! I always feel sorry for the loser, that is forced to leave the pool and suffer. If he doesn’t die… a real peak of drama. Hippos are among those animals that allow us to relax in company of their honks and peaceful rests, nicely shaking their small, round ears and buyoing like huge balloons… I can’t help finding them nice ,funny and intelligent animals, I have a soft spot for them. Thank you for the superb images and video.

What an amazing sighting, Jess! The teeth alone should be enough to frighten off most opponents!

Wow Jess, with such strength and brutal force. Those hippos move through water with ease fighting for dominance. Really spectacular video, showcasing their strength. Actually it is an eye opener.

Senior Digital Ranger

Jess. Those are some wicked photos of some seriously vicious fighting! Wow!!

This is a perfect example of survival of the fittest, two males battling for dominance in this pan. After viewing the virtual safari and other images, was one of these hippos the unfortunate victim of the strongest bull? In your video there didn’t seem to be any hippo sounds during their altercation and I found this rather strange – I would have expected some sort of grunting, etc. I’m curious about the females and whether they’re territorial as well. It seems one question always leads to another.

I bet that scene was intense. It’s always shocking to me to see them fighting, even though I know how aggressive and territorial the males can be. Was the loser of this specific battle the one who was recently found dead and eaten by lions?

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