About the Author

Matt Rochford


Growing up in the small coastal town of Mtunzini afforded Matt a childhood of endless adventures and the freedom to explore the rich diversity of animal and plant life in the area. He thus developed his passion for wildlife at a young age. ...

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on A Rare Find: Serendipity in the Bush

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Exquisite little cat ; you must have loved the afternoon!

Delighted to see these pics of the African Wild Cat

How wonderful that you and your guests not only got to see this rare cat, but that you got to spend so much time with her as well.

Great sighting, Matt! Hope she stays around- I’d love to see her!

Awww wow!!! My nr one on a wishing list! I would die to see a family of African Wild cats! Would you be able to find this cat again and find out if she has kittens? I’ve seen them only in captivity, also Black-Footed cats with kittens… I read avidly about their ecology and behaviour, while Black Footed cats are strictly solitary there are reported and documented cases of African wild cats that have a sort of small family, like domestic cats do when living in colonies… matriarchal families based upon age and relatives, like lionesses and hyenas. Fantastic, you made my day!

What an amazing find, Matt and Terrence! It looks a lot like our family cat when I was a kid.

Beautiful African Wild Cat. The ears are so transparent and the eyes are a lightish green. So glad you could have taken a few photos for us to see them. Very rare and absolutely beautiful.

Wow, spending time with a wild cat is truly an incredible experience, a lifer for most of us. It’s on my bucket list so perhaps this October!

What a lovely sighting of these normally so shy cats! I would have loved seeing that.
Thanks for the blog.

What an amazing sightings. Thanks for sharing this incredible story

What a beautiful little cat. Great sighting Matt and thank you for sharing.

How exciting, Matt. We very briefly spotted an African wild cat at dusk in our 2018 or 2019 visit. It obviously was a special sighting as our ranger/tracker team (Greg P & Equalizer) were almost breathless with excitement, as were we.

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