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Sean Zeederberg

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As a young boy growing up on an agricultural farm in Zimbabwe, Sean spent every opportunity entertaining himself outdoors, camping in the local nature reserve and learning about all facets of the natural world. After completing a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental ...

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on Plains Camp Males Push Deep Into Ndzhenga Males’ Territory- Virtual Safari #229

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Hi, they surely are very impressive males, and if they come to a clash with the Ndzenga males, I suspect there might be a serious damage to the males and the pride, it will be interesting to see if the lionesses would fight for the cubs or trying to escape with them… anyway, not something easy to watch with a light heart. I can imagine your feelings, sitting close to these males and the fighting hippos! They seem quiet and calm animals, but when it’s time to fight they are not second to lions, even worse, as the poor young hippo shows… obviously the aggressive behaviour grows proportionally to the water available in the pool and to the females heats. It’s impressive to see the way they fight, crossing their fangs. I love hippos nonetheless. Superb video Sean!

They really are such impressive male lions. I think they would overthrow the Ndzhenga Males if it came down to a physical fight, but you highlight a good point, my gut feeling is that the females would get involved but I am not certain about this.
Yes hippos are incredibly aggressive should they need to be, particularly when the waterholes are reducing in size.

The Ndzhenga males had better stick together! While you can’t predict the outcome if/ when they meet up with the Plains Camp males, what would you put your money on, Sean? Surely 2 on 2 would be too risky? – potentially a bad outcome all round.

They are going to need to stick together in order to have any chance against the Plains Camp Males. Two vs two would be very risky but my money would be on the Plains Camp Males, they are bigger and seem to be a lot more aggressive.

Impressive these two lions! I also always wonder what is going on in their minds when these powerful cats pass a car and look at you.
Such a dead hippo provides lots of meals for all kinds of animals. However, the smell must be really terrible. It would be also interesting to know what is going on in the minds of those hippos. Why does a young bull risk losing his life in a fight with a more powerful bull?
Lots of questions, which makes watching animals so fascinating.

They are impressive male lions. Yes, there are a lot of questions. I wonder what goes on in their minds.

Great video today Sean! I’m surprised there haven’t been more predators feeding on this carcass which leads me to believe it was killed quite recently or the Plains Camp just had a lucky find. They remind me of the Birmingham males – large and really handsome. Their manes are text book in coloration and fullness. It’s no wonder they have cubs by three different prides. By the way, any updates on the status of the Tsalala female? Has she been spotted with cubs?

Thanks so much, Denise. You might find that a few hyenas had come across the hippo carcass before, but were then chased off by the male lions. The softest easiest parts to eat are the lips and face so that is where they probably started.
The Tsalala Female seems to be doing really well. She has been spotted with her cubs, but they are spending their time west of Londolozi borders. Hopefully, we get to see them soon.

Hi Sean, those two Plain Camp males are huge, and as you so intimidating and having them look into your eyes must be very scarry. Well there is going to be quite some meat to eat for who ever can tolerate that meat going bad. It seems there is going to be a territory fight between these lions. I remember a while back the beautiful Othawa male was killed, and I was devastated to hear that. So know we must brace ourselves again for another altercation.

They are huge indeed. If things keep going the way they are going, I would expect a clash between the Plains Camp Males and the Ndhzenga Males at some point in the near future.

Fantastic video Sean. It will be interesting to see what unfolds with these lions in the near future.

Thank you so much, William. The lion dynamics going forward are certainly going to very interesting.

These males are so impresssive! Lucky for them they came upon such a feast.

It was fortunate for them that they found such a hefty meal.

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