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Sean Zeederberg

Blog Editor

As a young boy growing up on an agricultural farm in Zimbabwe, Sean spent every opportunity entertaining himself outdoors, camping in the local nature reserve and learning about all facets of the natural world. After completing a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental ...

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on Adorable Painted Dog Pups Come Out The Den- Virtual Safari #228

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Senior Digital Ranger

Unbelievably Adorable!!! Fantastic stuff Sean!

Wild dog pups are super cute.

Fantastic video Sean. I hope they reach adulthood without to much trouble.

Thank you so much, William. I hope they make it.

Senior Digital Ranger

What an amazing sighting. Thank you for sharing this.

Thank you so much, Sandra. I am glad you enjoyed it.

How exciting, Sean! While the camera traps have been brilliant, there’s no substitute for seeing them in the flesh.
I noticed one of the adults is wearing a radio collar?

The camera traps are great and have been so valuable this time around, but there is no substitute for seeing them in the flesh. Yes, the one male has a collar for research purposes as part of a greater wild dog conservation effort.

Hi Sean, at last we get to see these precious painted dog pups. They are absolutely gorgeous and the sounds coming from them are quite loud. They will soon be running around the den awaiting for the adults to return for some meat for them. So very special I must say and a bonus for Londolozi for them Denning on Londolozi.

At last we can share the footage of the pups with you. It is such a bonus to have a wild dog den.

Today’s virtual safari brought exciting news and footage of what appears to be three fluffy pups! Given it’s the female’s first litter, managing three should be relatively straightforward, although there is danger lurking no matter the ideal conditions. I expect there will be more photos and videos as the days pass and the pups venture out more regularly, so I’ll be on the lookout for more updates.

It was so great to see the three tiny fluffy pups. It should be pretty straight forward but as you say, there is always danger lurking in some way shape or form.

Great footage Sean!

Thank you so much, Beth.

Sean, that is so great to see them in action like that! Do the males have any interaction with them yet? Do they help at all?

Thanks so much, Michael. Yes, the males are very much involved with the pups. At this stage the pups are eating meat which they get from the males via regurgitation.

This is fantastic. We didn’t get any wild dogs viewing while we were at Londolozi in early June, so this is extra special. thanks for sharing.

You are most welcome. Having wild dogs on the property brings such excitement.

Their ears have some growing to do! Ha! So darn cute!!!

How wonderful that we can finally see the pups! The are so mega cute. Thanks for the great video, Sean. It‘s always a great pleasure to watch your videos and always something i am really looking forward to

So wonderful Sean! I just love these little guys. It’s also cool to see the Wild Dogs denning on Londolozi at the same time as the hyena. Very cool indeed!!

Fantastic video Sean! Thanks for sharing. I hope the pups make it to adult hood.

Wow, just incredible video and the pups are so adorable! I hope they can avoid any lurking danger as they continue to venture out into the open!

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