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Sean Zeederberg

Blog Editor

As a young boy growing up on an agricultural farm in Zimbabwe, Sean spent every opportunity entertaining himself outdoors, camping in the local nature reserve and learning about all facets of the natural world. After completing a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental ...

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on An Introduction To The Three Rivers Female Leopard’s Cub- Well For Some Of Us

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Great news that there is another leopard cub on Londolozi. Last year I saw the Three Rivers Female on two occasions, only a couple of weeks after her nearly fatal encounter with the Nkoveni Female. We watched her for a long time feeding on a carcass in a tree completely recovered from her injuries. Later her son was allowed to feed on the same carcass. I hope I will be able to watch her and her cub in September.

That sounds like an amazing sighting. I hope that she is successful in raising this cub and that you get to see it in September.

Senior Digital Ranger

How precious. Grow big and strong little one!

It is such a precious little thing.

Great news Sean! Wishing her all the best as she endeavors to bring this cub to independence, while managing the complex and dangerous environment and conditions she’s dealing with!

It is such great news and I really do hope that she is able to raise this one to independence.

Sean, this is so exciting to read about and see more photos. It was my group with Barry that found the cubs. It was thrilling on so many levels. Barry’s level of excitement alone was palpable. It fueled our excitement, although, we didn’t need much help to be ecstatic we followed the Three Rivers female to this end. We waited for you to try and get there, but alas, we finally had to leave. I am so sad to hear one of the cubs didn’t make it. I know it is just part of life for the animals in the bush, but it is still heartbreaking. Can’t wait to see the virtual safari and other future develoments for the Three Rivers Female and her cub. Thanks for all you do.

It must have been such an exciting morning to follow her back to the den. I am pretty sure we will see another blog from Barry, describing the sighting you were all part of, pretty soon.
I tried my best to get there quickly but didn’t make it in time, sadly. I hope to share some more information on her and the cub soon.

Oh wow, the Three Rivers female has a cub! After the fight with the Nkoveni Female I thought she would die. I so strongly hoped she wouldn’t. And now she has her cub… close to lions who killed her mother, her father too I think, the Plaque Rock female, possibly her cub, omnipresent hyenas and male leopards… well, every cub raised to independence is a miracle and I wish her a miracle. She’s exquisitely beautiful and her cub as usual beyond all words to explain his cuteness!

As you describe it there, it is a miracle that any leopard survive to adulthood. The Three Rivers Female definitely has a difficult road ahead but I am sure she will manage it perfectly well.

Great news, albeit bittersweet due to the loss of one of her cubs. From your description, her territory does seem fraught with danger but she’s raised one male to adulthood so hopefully she can draw on her past experiences to be successful once again.

She has already raised one cub to adulthood so I am sure she can do it again.

Thanks so much Sean for this wonderful update. Do you know if the surviving cub is another male?

We are not sure at this point, some of the rangers think it could be a female but we don’t have concrete evidence yet.

Senior Digital Ranger

Who was the Three Rivers Female ‘s mother? I didn’t see a card for her. Thanks.

Her mother was the Xidulu Female (https://leopards.londolozi.com/leopard/xidulu-23-female).

Senior Digital Ranger

Thanks for your reply. I would really love to know the fate of the cub the Tamboti Female was raising when she was killed. I have a wonderful picture of them together in my house that was taken a couple of weeks before she lost her mother.

Like everyone, I hope she can protect this little one to maturity. Is the Maxim’s male the presumed father?

Yes, it is presumed that the father is the Maxim’s Male.

Such good news Sean, that there is another leopard cub on Londolozi ground. Pity that she has lost the other cub, know she can spend more time with the remaining cub, teaching it all the vital steps to adulthood. The Three Rivers female reminds me of the Tsalala lioness with all her hardships she had. Resilience and determination will get her through life and let’s hope she can raise this precious cub to adulthood.

It is such great news. She has had a touch time but I guess all leopards do.

Sean, thanks for the update and pictures of the Three Rivers Female and her cub. Sorry for the loss of one cub but, hope the second makes it all the way to adult hood.

You are welcome, William.

Do we suspect who dad is? Also wondering about the Ntomi male as we haven’t heard about him in a bit.

We presume the father is the Maxim’s Male but we will have to wait to confirm that. The Ntomi Male is now being seen on Singita. We don’t really see him too much now.

Thanks so much for the update Sean 🫶🏽 Miss seeing my fave handsome leopard!

Sean, what will the little cub be named? He’s so precious. He and his mother have melted our hearts.

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